<p>Hello folks (first time here),</p>
<p>Wondering for my chances with MIT CalTech UPenn and Johns Hopkin's. Maryland Resident here (UMD is a safety). Looking to go in for engineering.</p>
SATs: 2170 (760 Math, 730 CR, 680 Writing)
Rank: 7 of around 350 (Competitive Year)
GPA: 98% (School does in percents, 4.0+ standard)
AP Scores: 3x 4s (Stats, US History, Physics B) 3x 5s (Calculus AB, Government, Language+Comp) 4x Still to be taken.</p>
<p>Grades: As Across the board.
4x English (2x Honors, 2x AP)
1x Honors Bio
1x Phys-Chem (Combined Physics and Chem)
2x AP Physics (B and C: E+M)
5x Math (AP Stats/Calculus AB+BC)
1x AP Psychology
3x History (AP US/Government)
3x Spanish (II-IV)
3x Journalism/Broadcasting
1x Intro to Philosophy
Some others I just cant think of right now.</p>
Straight A Award 10+11
Producer of Daily News TV Show
Editor of DVD-Yearbook
School-wide US History Award (10th) and Broadcasting (11th)
AP Scholar with Distinction
National Merit Candidate (Commendation)
Quill and Scroll Journalism Honors Society member - 10+11+(12 possibly)</p>
Physics and Engineering Team - Vice President - help organize school-wide competitions and compete at local ones.
Environmental Club - Photographer/Historian - Environmental education to the student body and elementary-schoolers and augments the school recycling program.
Junior State of America - Debates, conventions, activism, etc.
Literary Magazine</p>
<p>Job Experience:
Engineering Intern at a Naval Research Facility for two summers conducting research.</p>
<p>mightve left a few things out but thats about all there is. Anyone know what my shot might be?</p>
<p>hello any help would be appreciated folks</p>
<p>Some things I might have left out. I am white (european), and my SAT II Scores are:</p>
<p>Math II: 710
Physics: 700
US History: 780</p>
<p>MIT caltech and Upenn are high reaches because
- SAT scores not high enough
- SAT II’s not high enough
- Awards do not grab attention</p>
<p>rest are ok</p>
<p>sorry to be blunt.</p>
<p>thanks for the response. I’m hoping to get into UPenn SEAS as a decent reach - I know MIT/Caltech are high reaches. but hey - they’re dream schools.</p>
<p>this word comes to mind: average</p>
<p>so I’d say you’d have an average chance at all schools. like the actual admission rates.</p>
<p>apply ED if you want to :)</p>
<p>Your stats are right smack in the middle 50% for UPenn. You have a good chance but you must apply ED. I think the other two are high reach if not out of reach.</p>
<p>I think you stand a good chance at hopkins, but you need some stellar essays/recs. as for MIT and caltech…major reaches. sorry… not sure about UPenn.
your ECs aren’t exactly world shaking and a big problem is that you don’t really have one or two areas that you’ve gone the extra mile for. they’re just kind of average smart kid things.
but i do hope you get in. work on those essays and good luck :)</p>
<p>Chance me back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/712633-what-my-chances.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/712633-what-my-chances.html</a></p>
<p>Hey there and thanks (if this is double posts its my internet’s fault I swear)</p>
<p>But I expected for JHU to be a low reach, Penn to be a med-reach, and the other two to be… eh pipe dreams for my admissions folder’s.
But I’m furuiously writing essays and getting recommendations - mostly essay writing about my biggest ECs (working/leading in an award-winning Journalism Dept., getting grants for our Environmental Club) and for interest in engineering writing about the competitions we won in our PHysics and Engineering Team and my DoD internship. thanks for all the help everybody and best wishes for all other applicants!</p>
<p>Yes, i think you probably fall into the midrange applicant pool for most these schools. You have a solid transcript and just enough extracurriculars, but nothing that really stands out to me.
JHU is definitely a low reach.
For penn you’d definitely need to differentiate yourself in your essays.
Regardless of your app, i can’t say that MIT or Caltech is anything more than a high reach. The schools rely more on scores as well…</p>