Chem 1A Help

<p>I'm currently taking Chem 1A first semester (along with thousands of others). For those who have taken the course before or are taking it currently, are there any recommendations, advice, study tips you can give to me about this course? For example, any outside sources (websites?) or study guides that helped you through the course? Anything would be greatly appreciated so I can do well in this course. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Your best bet is to understand the textbook and everything presented in class.</p>

<p>Yes, it should be expected that material presented in class be understood since it will be tested on in exams. I'm wondering if there are any sample tests that I could find or purchase somewhere to further help reinforce the material learned.</p>

<p>I just got back from the mock was pretty helpful</p>

<p>as for previous exams, they won't help as they changed the syllabus for this year</p>

<p>just read the textbook. Everthing you need is in there.</p>