Chem. at GW?

My D was accepted into GW class of '22 and is looking at the chemistry program. Anyone know if it’s a good program or heard things about it? How big are most of the STEM classes? because she’s looking for some smaller sized classes which may be hard at a school like GW. Thanks in advance, any feedback at all is appreciated.

While the program isn’t highly ranked, I would say it’s good. There’s a fair amount of research at the school, especially with it’s relation to the medical school and hospital.

As far as class sizes, most of the chemistry classes are between 50-100 students with labs being much smaller (15-25). Your daughter will also have to take intro to bio (100-250 students, depending on the section she takes), and physics (about 50 students).

The program itself doesn’t have a lot of required courses (you can see them here: ) so she’ll have a lot of leeway when it comes to picking classes to fulfill her general requirements. Those classes will have varying class sizes.