<p>hello everyone...</p>
<p>I wish to take pre-med at the same time, but as an int'l student, I am not sure if I could enter a med school after grad...so for undergrad I'm more interested in pharmacy related fields. could anyone provide any info about whether to choose chemE or biochem as my intended major?</p>
<p>btw i’m also keeping my options open for pharmaceutics…-______-</p>
<p>In ChemE you’ll learn how to make production more efficient/feasable on a massive scale. In biochem you’ll learn how to make novel drugs/test safety. Depends on what you want to do in the Pharmaceutical industry. I’d talk with the advisors of the programs.</p>
<p>Unless you are a US citizen it is very difficult to get into an American medical school. It does happen but you need to plan ahead. Head on over to Student Doctor Network where you can probably find an informative thread on this topic.</p>
<p>I would go Biochem. I say this because you would have a solid springboard from here for graduate pharmacological studies and you can always jump majors rather easily to something else (say Chem or Bio) should you choose late in the game. Chemical engineers do not have this sort of wiggle room and they are pretty much locked into that major by the third year. It sounds as though you are a bit unsure so the College of Science route might be best.</p>