Chem SAT question

<p>So, after trying out some PR chem practice problems (I'm saving my Subject Test BB for after I finished Chem in school) I realized that the Chem SAT is pretty math intensive. That sucks because they don't allow a calculator.</p>

<p>I was wondering how hard the number crunching on the actual SAT is...</p>

<p>not hard. doable w/o calculator.</p>

<p>It is definately not math heavy. If there is math, it is with whole number ratios.
Most of the math from what i remember was from the gas laws and the molarity stuff.
and its not something to difficult. Math is not a problem. It will most like be clean numbers. the worst it gets is like 2.5. You should not worry about the math.</p>


<p>I was mainly worrying about those stupid empirical formula problems. Those can be pretty annoying w/o a calc.</p>