ChemCAD--ChemicalEng Need Help

So I have to do a project for chemical engineering thermodynamics/che 255 and it requires me to use ChemCAD. I can download it for free, but on a PC, and I have a Mac. No parallels or other thing and that is not an option I am able to consider. So i have to go to a computer lab to do so. I have been to Rogers, HM Comer, the Engenuity Lab, Gorgas, Ten Hoor, and Gordon Palmer and none of them have ChemCAD, and if they do, it will not run. I was gonna try Lloyd but both the computer labs there are for classes only so I cannot get into them. I have talked to the software guys at Eogers and theyre supposed to be working on it, but if they don’t, I want another option. So parents of chem es and chem es, when you or your child had to use ChemCAD, how did they find access to it? Do they have any ideas for me? And downloading on my Mac is not an option.

Have you checked with some of your classmates or with your study group? What are the other students doing? You are probably not the only student with a Mac. Will someone allow you to use their computer to do your project?

Why don’t you contact the professor, explain the situation to the professor and ask for suggestions. However, I hope you haven’t waited till the last minute to be looking for a solution to this problem.

If you can download the program for free, couldn’t the librarian allow you to download it to one of the library computers?

My ChemE son had a PC. Would it be out of the question for you to buy an inexpensive PC?

another idea…do you have a friend who isn’t taking this class and you could borrow his PC for this? and maybe lend him your mac during the time?

Another suggestion: Could you use a departmental computer? Does your department have computer labs?

My friends who are ChemE used the computer lab on the second floor of hardaway all the way in the back…

Thanks for the input @Bamagirl18 I thought that the department should have a computer lab. I hope that the OP checks back here to see the replies.

So I have found out, after purchasing an inexpensive PC, that there is a computer lab in HM COmer room 341 I believe, for Chem Es only. You need your ACT card to get in, and there’s a special way to log in, but it has alll the chem e software including chemcad, heat transfer, and some others I have yet to use.