<p>Hey, I'm an undergrad chemical engineering major at Stanford. Just finished my 3rd year. I graduate in June 2008. 3.3 GPA.</p>
<p>I have some concerns about what path to take for graduate school. Basically, I want to get an MS in ChemE, and I also want an MBA, I just don't know whether I should undergo either of the following two paths.....</p>
<p>a) a joint MS/MBA ChemE program. The problem here is that there are very few programs. MIT has the LFM program (really really hard to get into), and there are a few here and there. The best thing about this route is that the majority of these joint programs last only two years, so you'd get two degrees quicker.</p>
<p>b) Get my Masters first in ChemE at a good school (I'll apply everywhere and see where I get in). And then later come back and get that MBA. I know plenty of people wait to get that MBA until after their PH.D. But this scenario would take a lot of time.</p>
<p>Should I opt for the quicker, probably cheaper, route?</p>
<p>A bit of my background: I'm really interested in research and labwork. The reason why I want an MBA is because many people have told me that an MBA would expand my opportunities in the ChemE industry. I'm targeting a career in industry, not academia. And I don't want any closed doors in front of me.</p>