Chemical Engineering class size and labs

Anxious parent here…Because Cal is talking about offering only certain classes in person this Fall, maybe smaller classes or classes that need hands on experience, I’m wondering what my son’s classes are like. He’s an incoming Junior transfer, so most of his classes are Junior and Senior level classes, but as a transfer I think a couple are what 4-year students would’ve taken earlier, but none are basic chem, bio, or physics. Does anyone know?

Super bummed at the possibility of all remote classes especially considering that as a transfer he only has two years there to build relationships with professors, get involved with research, etc…

The class schedule knows class sizes, if that is what you are looking for:

Chemical engineering transfer student suggested schedule (but actual schedule may depend on what the student has completed prior to transfer):

Common chemical engineering transfer courses and their listed capacities:
CHMENG 40: 150
CHEM 12A: 196, but 221 enrolled
MAT SCI 45: 237
MAT SCI 45L: 24 per lab section
ENGIN 7: 435
However, it looks like lab and discussion sections (e.g. for CHEM 12A) are not listed unless they are a separate course (like MAT SCI 45L).

If he has already completed any of CHEM 12A, MAT SCI 45 and 45L, and/or ENGIN 7 before transfer, he may want to consider taking BIOLOGY 1A (if not already taken), CHEM 120A or PHYSICS 137A (if he has the prerequisites), science elective, engineering elective, and/or breadth/AC course(s) in place of the already-completed courses.

Thank you @ucbalumnus ! I’m a crazy researcher, and so we know the classes he’ll be taking, just don’t know the class-sizes. Thank you so much for the those numbers!

He has taken the Engin 45 and Engin 7, as well as the OChem series and the bio. Of what might usually need to be taken first semester, he should only need the 40 and 140. He’s taking the Quantum Mechanics now! He has all of his breadth done, and his science electives. He just needs the engineering electives, and may be doing the business specialization, and so needs to take a couple business classes.

But it looks like I’ve got my answer on class size! Thank you!

Actually, the lab and discussion sections and sizes are listed, but you have to go to the lecture and scroll down to see them. E.g. shows that CHMENG 40 has discussions with limits of 16 to 24 students each.