
<p>Can someone please explain quantum numbers of orbitals?</p>

<p>Just basics, nothing extraneous.</p>


<p>Wikipedia</a> is your friend</p>

<p>No. But if you ask specific questions, I'll answer.</p>

<p>1st number: shell, (1, 2, 3, etc)</p>

<p>2nd number: subshell (in other words, s,p,d,f. 0=s, 3=f)</p>

<p>3rd number: orbital (s has one orbital, so it can only be 0. p has three orbitals, so it ranges from -1 to 1. d has five orbitals, so it goes from -2 to 2.)</p>

<p>4th number: spin (each orbital can carry two electrons, one with spin 1/2 and one with spin -1/2. These are the only two possibilities)</p>

<p>thank you goldshadow!</p>

<p>exactly what I wanted! :-D</p>