<p>As my son awaits his final batch of decisions tonight, it's quite clear his heart belongs to Chicago. I was pondering the whole college admissions journey that has brought him to this place of clarity, when it dawned on me that one of the abbreviations for the University of Chicago, UChi, looks like a Japanese word when spelled in all lower-case letters ("uchi"). When I pointed this out to my son (who is a Japanese language lover), he told me "uchi" is, in fact, a Japanese word. It means "home".</p>
<p>I ask because my best friend's mom, upon hearing I was admitted to Chicago, screamed, "YOU-SHEE!" like "you-shee" was an old friend. It was the only time I heard the school called "you-shee."</p>
<p>Best friend's mom is no stranger to academia, so it makes sense, but at the time it seemed downright bizarre.</p>