Choate And Lawernceville

How often and which classes use the Harkness method at Choate? I was wondering because it sounds like a much more involved way of learning, and I’m tired of having an entire lesson plan be copying notes. It’s quite tedious and straining. I was leaning towards Choate because of how nice it is, and their programs were excellent ; but since I’ve heard that Lawrenceville uses the harkness method quite often, I’m a little torn. Anyone have some insight as to which would be more advantageous to attend? Thanks.

Choate uses the Harkness method and Harkness style tables in all humanity based classes (English, History, Psychology, Religion Studies, Sociology, etc.). Math classes and language classes are specially designed so that desks and chairs are easily moveable based on whether you’re learning, having a test, etc. In science, we don’t really have Harkness style discussions, but we do have labs for hands-on learning.