<p>Hey, I have a dilemma here.
I'm coming up on my junior year of High School. I was preparing to take my IB Courseload for next year, preparing to do the IB Diploma Track. I was ready for that, but then this comes up.</p>
<p>The second program is this new Governor's school in Virginia. It's a math,science, and engineering focus. Research is key here, and It would replace my IB math and science courses. The governor's school programs here are top notch and rigorous, but I don't know if I want to do it. I've come to have an attachment to IB, but the research part is drawing me as well.</p>
<p>Which should I choose.</p>
<p>Btw here's a description of the GS
Prince</a> William County Public Schools</p>
<p>bumpity. tsenchar.</p>
<p>Well, MIThopeful16, I gather that you want to go to MIT. Does that mean that you’re really interested in math/science research? If so, maybe this could be a way to pursue your passion? Or is the IB program better for what you want to do? Could you talk to teachers, read syllabuses, or see which would provide you with better opportunities to do what you want with your life?</p>
<p>To be honest, I love math and science research. It is something I plan to do primarily in the future. I like the well-roundedness of the IB program, and I know the Math and Science teachers I would have for next year, and their respective syllabi(Teachers that love you are amazing)</p>
<p>Would you have an opportunity for research in IB? Is this program a lot better than independent research or maybe independent research directed by a friendly IB teacher?</p>
<p>Eh, other than the extended essay, and the IAs… not much research.</p>
<p>I have a friend who graduated as a full IB diploma student who just finished his first year studying engineering at Cooper Union and he said the well-rounded aspect of IB has really helped him be a really analytical student in all aspects of his education. Then again, the research opportunities at your new school sound great as well. The programs are pretty different, but I don’t think you can go wrong with either.</p>
<p>(also…extended essay…IAs…“not much”…lol)</p>
<p>Do you think you could be top of your class (or close to it) at your IB school? Do you think you could at the Governor’s school? That’s something to think about.</p>
<p>Well at the governor’s school, I would be there in the morning, then return to my school to take other courses. So basically I’m coming back and probably taking IB History, IB English, and IB Spanish, maybe IB Comp Sci. Right now, at my IB school, I’m 11th or 10th. I believe the Governor’s School would not rank.</p>
<p>Ohhhhh I thought it would be like a completely different school.</p>
<p>In THAT case, it sounds like a really cool opportunity, and I think you should go for it. I would if I were you :D</p>
<p>This sounds somewhat like what I do, I attend Mountain Vista Governor’s School. You can look it up, it’s the newest of all the governor’s schools (not counting yours it seems like). We don’t have a focus like you guys focus on the earth, but the type of classes are the same with the exception that we do not have biology or chemistry, instead we have humanities classes also. (mvgshome.org)</p>
<p>Anyways, I love our governor’s school, it’s one of the best decisions that I made personally. I am happier there and I identify myself with the governor’s school even though I still attend my regular school. What you should find there are people with similar interests, freedom, and intellectual stimulation. At MVGS the teachers aren’t afraid of you and they encourage you to test the limits of their knowledge. All in all it’s a great experience and if yours is going to be anything like ours I would highly recommend it.</p>
<p>Thanks, I think that makes me want to apply now and hope to get in. I think PWCS has enough spots open…</p>
<p>From what I read it sounded like you were supposed to apply over the summer so it should be cool. Yours will probably be better than ours anyways because you have more class options and GMU. We have ours at some community college that doesn’t have any equipment. Haha.</p>
<p>well they had the spring apps, then a seminar with a select few spots, it seems there are more.</p>
<p>Well best of luck to you.</p>