Choosing a Less Prestigious School Over A More Prestigious School

Hi! So I think I might (it’s not certain yet, though) be in a position where I’m choosing a significantly less prestigious school over a more prestigious school on the basis of fit. Not money—given my offers I can afford to attend either school. It’s just that I think that the programs at a certain school may offer me more opportunity. On the other side, I’m a bit leery because of how prestige may factor into my employment chances and networking chances after graduation. I want to enjoy getting my education as much as I can, but I want to be employable after. Especially with the note that most people end up really happy at whatever college they end up at, I’m not sure what to think. It’s not that I dislike one school at all, it’s more that I think one might fit better in more diverse areas.


When I read the topic heading my first thought was…it’s not about prestige, it’s about fit.

That’s all you really need. Barring some occupations for which prestige matters like IB, I wouldn’t worry about it.

I think fit is super important. And it sounds like you have a very rational attitude about the whole thing. Just remember that everything is a trade-off. So you sacrifice a bit of prestige, but what do you gain? If your gut tells you that you will be happier and have a better overall experience at the less prestigious school, I’d go for it. Good luck! :slight_smile:

Go with your gut.

Fit is more important than prestige, in my opinion. Four years is a long time to spend somewhere just because you think that’s what you “ought” to do. My son is in the same position now of considering his choices. The most prestigious is not necessarily where he should go.