Hi everyone! I’m studying chemical engineering and I’d love to also do a minor, but I don’t know what to choose. I know I probably should do something similar to my career, like biochemistry or something like that. However, I’ve played piano for 7 years and violin for 11 years. I love music and I don’t want to quit. So I though I could do a Music minor. Also, I know some German. I know that if I stop studying it I’ll forget it, and knowing German could be very beneficial for me because Germany has a very strong chemical industry. So I also thought of minoring (?) in German.
I know chemical engineering is hard. Should I even do a minor? If so, what’s better for me? Should I extend my knowledge in engineering although I love doing diverse activities?
Thanks for your help!
So much to do and such little time to do it 
A Music minor can be a time sink, and it likely means a few less technical electives. However, you can take some classes, without worry about getting the minor. This is really about enjoyment and not career planning. Take a few classes that you would enjoy. Perhaps join a few clubs/student organizations and still perform, but on a schedule that’s more flexible.
Same issue with a German minor. Instead of getting the minor how about taking a language course for a semester or two, and then do a travel abroad in Germany? It’s a very common destination, would really help you learn the language and will (for your purposes) look better on your resume. You can even start making contacts in Germany. If you can, doing an internship or research for a semester in Germany would be a great option. 
Here’s a link to a typical Global Engineering Education Exchange (Global E3) program in Germany (with courses available in English).
Good Luck!
Thanks for the information! That’s really useful! I appreciate it!
“I’d love to also do a minor” - Not necessary… and at most schools not easy to do. Gator has good advice.