Choosing best degree for getting into law school

I was told by someone once who graduated second in their law class that the most important thing to be successful in law school was to be a good reader. I agree to get a degree in what you can get the best GPA in, get great scores on the LSATs and keep up with your personal reading so you are a excellent at it. Good luck!

Good reading skills are necessary, but not sufficient for success in LS. (Gotta pair those reading skills with critical thinking/analysis skills to ace L1.)

Thanks. I am following that, next semester I start Spanish.

Thanks for the reply, sorry took so long to reply, I thought for some reason this thread had been closed. Anyway, all my schooling is paid for, so not concerned with debt or cost. I know what you mean about helping underserved people and making good money don’t usually go together…which is actually kinda sad. A lot of reasons for starting over. But you are correct, I’m going to keep my IT stuff up as a fallback. I’m steering away from a CS degree because all of the math. And don’t really want an ‘Information Technology’ degree. I’ve looked at a lot of the programs, I would sleep walk through the whole thing. A couple of IT certs beats most of those programs.

WOW…that site is awesome! Thanks for the link!

Actually, I have a friend that’s a lawyer. Funny he said the same thing. He told me to learn to speed read. But reading was the biggest thing he said.

Thanks. I have given that thought. I don’t know, I want to learn something out of college. Most of the Info Sys/Info Tech programs are lame. I would sleepwalk through most of it. A couple of the major IT certs go much further than one of those programs would. Although, some schools offer a Cybersecurity degree program. Which might be a good option…

Wow that is pretty awesome. Definitely motivating.