Choosing Some Last-Minute Schools

<p>I'm one of those students with great test scores (34 ACT) but marginal grades (top 23% of class, 3.65 weighted GPA). I attend a highly competetive suburban high school and have take solely honors and AP courses throughout high school (5 AP's this year). I've applied to a few schools that I'm very interested in, but would like to apply to a few more--perhaps outside of the midwest.</p>

<p>I've Applied to: Loyola University Chicago (accepted with 50k scholarship), Madison, UIUC</p>

<p>In the process of applying to: Northwestern University (I know, Reach)</p>

<p>Should Add: ???</p>

<p>I typically prefer being in the vicinity of a fairly large city, and would like to major in either international studies, journalism, or some other kind of english/writing. Do you guys have any suggestions? Liberal Arts schools are okay too.</p>

<p>Also--nothing west of like iowa haha..east coast is fine though (I'm from Chicago).</p>

<p>Hopkins might take you. Did you do extracurriculars? They have a great International Relations program and Writing Seminars department. Plus we've got an extension campus in DC.</p>

<p>Iowa, Indiana, Miami (Ohio), Clark U (Massachusetts).</p>

<p>Case Western (Cleveland)</p>

<p>Good suggestions so far...I've actually been looking at a few of those. Btw, my extracurriculars are average (varsity tennis, mock trial, ect.) and I've basically gotten like one small award throughout high school (7th Place on state italian III test). Does anybody think NYU or BU would make sense (NYU as a slight reach, BU as a match)? OH I want to go into law eventually (NYU has an amazing law school, doing well there could help me get in).</p>

<p>You'd be fine at BU. They also have a very top law school. My friend's dad went to Yale undergrad and BU for law school. Cya there? ;)</p>