<p>Hello, I am a student from Pakistan.
I will graduate from my high school next year. I have an SAT score of 1810. 540 reading, 650 math, 620 writing. I dont know why i couldn't do well on SAT. I could have done a lot better but i just couldn't handle the stress. My SAT 2 went pretty well. I got 770 in Chemistry and perfect in Physics and Biology. I have a lot of social working experience. I worked with kids with mental impairments and counseled their parents, drug addicts, and worked with people with psychological problems such as depression. I am a trained counselor for drug addicts, depressed people, mentally impaired kids and their parents. I have also been interviewed by New York times for being the best student on a test prep site. I was chosen as a representative of the site. I was the best among more than 20000 users of that website. I was the most helpful user of that site. I am also the president of Drama club in my school and have been continuously working in literary society. I am also a member of student council in my school. I was the student of the year in my school in 2009.
I am employed in a tuition center from 1 and half year where i teach O Level students and earn good money for a 17 year old boy.
I have got the best result in my O Levels in my school. 12 A grades; no one has ever achieved 12 A grades in my school. The normal number of subjects chosen by students are 6. I was honored by my school and the district commissioner for getting this result and was even interviewed by a news channel. My photograph came in the newspaper along my result.
I have studied a diverse number of subjects such as Physics, Chem, bio, sociology, economics, commerce, Islamic Studies, History, Geography, Math, English Language, Urdu Language.
Now i am doing my A Level in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics.
I am still doing a lot of extra-curricular activities.
I wanted to know with this academic record what are my chances to get into a good university. Please suggest me some good universities where i can get easily.
Keep in my mind that i belong from a poor background. There is no counseling available here; no opportunities for Extra-Curricular; all of my activities are self made and achieved by my own.
Thanks for your time.</p>
<p>You’re a really solid applicant, but your SAT is very low. Only a couple of US schools (Harvard, Yale, etc) meet the full need of international applicants, and I don’t think you could get into them. There are other schools that would be happy to take you, but they won’t give you the financial aid that you need to go.</p>
<p>I am going to retake SAT in November and hoping to do way much better than this. What do you think apart from SAT about my application.</p>