Choosing what school to attend

So I have to decide if I should go to mount Saint Mary’s University in LA before May 1st. I don’t know if I should attend this school because I would be paying $20,000 out of my pocket. Is it worth it or should I consider other options?

What are your other options? Are they cheaper?

My only other option is community college.

CC’s in California are really good. Are you from California?

If this is a school that you wanted enough that you applied to it, then you should attend. Surely you and your parents knew the cost tuition and thought it was worth it to pay, attend this school. Your out of pocket cost is pretty nice in comparison to tuition elsewhere.

Your education at St. Mary’s depends on you…classes you choose, attendance, study and test preparation, effort, reading, complying with dates and requirements, etc. Other schools may have a fancier reputation, but less difference i n quality of education.

Think about all the people you know and where they went to college. Have their lives and prospects been ruined because they didn’t attend the school in the Ivy League or other elite schools? Of course not. Attend St. Marys.

If you are doing well academically and an active member of the school community, ask about graciously about financial assistance.

Community colleges provide good educations and terminal degrees in some areas. Perhaps you can satisfy some requirements and electives at a community college. However, by attending a CC means you will join the college midway through school and will need to meet people and learn whatever classmates have learned by attending St.Mary’s for two years already. This Sent s the best reason to start there from the beginning. Like being new to a city, it takes time to get into a community and feel like you belong. There is huge advantage to enrolling in St. Mary’s in the fall. Holy you can do so!

Yes im from California!

If you can afford it, then it would be a good deal. If it’s too expensive, go to CC and transfer.