Christian Colleges with Swim teams?

Hey Everybody, I am a HS Freshman doing some peliminary college searching. I would like to continue swimming into college, and I have already looked at a couple colleges and universities. I am looking for mainly D2 and D3 colleges and I have already looked at Anderson, Biola, Azusa, Mulane, and Messiah but I was wondering if there are any other good colleges that I am missing? Basically what I am looking for is:

  • A solid christian college
  • D2 or D3 Swimming
  • Decently large amount of residential students (2,000 or more)
  • Nice facilities (Not to picky here but at least nice athletic buildings.)
  • Nice-ish Dorms.
    And I am flexible with location. Thank You!

Hmmm - come back in two years - because you’ll know a lot more then about where you might qualify, academically and athletically, and like most, your interests will likely change.

Focus on school and swimming. Good luck.


Agree. It is too early to focus on any specific colleges.

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Seconding Messiah.

Many NAIA colleges are Christian colleges.

You do need to come back as a rising junior when you have a GPA, sufficient rigor (*), and swim times.

(* most rigorous would require you to complete 4 years of English, 4 years of Social Science including US history and World/European/African American history, biology chemistry and physics, math through precalculus or calculus, and 3-4 years in a single foreign language, art or art history or orchestra/band/choir, with many honors or AP/IB/DE/PSEO classes).


Thirding Messiah. My youngest daughter(D22) is a sophomore there. I have been very impressed with the school.


I believe Calvin University and Hope College have swim teams.


I don’t know much about swim teams, but I have a former student who swims at Hillsdale.

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Hope’s team is excellent. Very highly ranked in D3.

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