Christmas vs. December 15th

<p>There may already be a thread along these lines, but I haven't seen it yet. So... what are you more excited for, Christmas Day or finding out about Yale? If you want, a pros/cons list would also be cool for a thread like this.</p>

<p>Personall, I am a bigger fan of the 15th right now. Christmas is fun, my whole family gets together to exchange gifts, but one Christmas doesn't really affect the rest of my life.</p>

<p>Whereas if I am accepted (which I am not expecting, it is just a great wish), going to Yale for the next four years of my life would be incredible. However, if I get deffered/rejected (which is more likely), Christmas would be a great way to remedy the depression.</p>

<p>What about the rest of you?</p>

<p>Not Christian so December 15th. Although I guess it’s actually December 19th, because Christmas break starts then and I can get away from the nightmare of this semester.</p>

<p>uh december 15th!!!</p>

<p>Umm this christmas is a function of december 15th.</p>

<p>Umm this christmas is a function of december 15th.</p>

<p>f(christmas)=december 15th</p>

<p>I’m bored.</p>

<p>f(dec.15) = christmas should be corect</p>

<p>Haha. I love Christmas, but this year, Dec. 15 beats it by far.</p>

<p>hands down DECEMBER 15! if i get in, it will be a monumental moment in my entire life!</p>

<p>yes rachael you got it wrong xd</p>

<p>Well if December 15 doesn’t turn out so well, then Christmas would definitely be the highlight of my holiday season. But if I somehow DO receive good news 9 days from now… there’s no contest.</p>

<p>well, Christmas comes every year, but acceptance from Yale College generally only comes once in your life…;)</p>

<p>Only CC kids would point out the error in saying f(christmas) instead of f(dec.15). Actually, only CC kids would use “function of” in a normal conversation in the first place.</p>

<p>I don’t even quite understand this function business. Hence the bombing of the SAT Math section.</p>

<p>I’m Jewish, so, definitely more excited about the 15th. And by that I mean, shaking in fear. Heh.</p>

<p>If I get in, Dec. 15 > Christmas.
If not, Christmas > Dec. 15.</p>

<p>In either case, Jan. 20 >> all. :)</p>

<p>We are all seniors, almost or over eighteen (except for a few overdriven geniuses graduating high school at sixteen or fifteen or fourteen), driving around the town, in a few parts of the country even seeing snow and feeling all christmassy (no snow in where I live)…</p>

<p>And this is crucial, although this may not be the right time and place to say this…</p>

<p>I have no girlfriend.</p>

<p>Come Christmas, and I will be lonely.
Come Dec 15th, I will be either congratulated or comforted. Even better, I will finally get a girlfriend since I am no longer under college stress.</p>

<p>I was being silly here, but still. December will definitely hurt if I don’t make Yale. I’d like to see Santa more than ever before. Please remember to drop in ten days earlier, I love you Nick.</p>

<p>Actually, for anyone who took the SATs today (Dec. 6), we get our scores on Christmas. For me, it will probably be the best Christmas present ever or the worst.</p>