Christopher Newport Interview?

I am very interested in applying to CNU as my second top option for a college. I have 1300 SAT 3.9 weighted and lots of extracurricular involvement, awards, and leadership positions. I see the interview is not required but they strongly recommend it. I am interested to know if I have a very good shot of being excepted without this interview?

Might be better to put this in College Admissions

We were told that about 80% of admitted students did an interview. They seem to put a higher emphasis on demonstrated interest than many schools, so I would do the interview if at all possible, especially since your GPA is a bit low. I believe that they will do a virtual interview if you can’t make it to Newport News.

Your GPA isn’t low. Your stats are fine.

Try to do the interview if you are able. If you aren’t able to visit due to costs or distance, just let them know and something can be worked out.