CIW buildings named after Iroquois nations

Just out of mere curiosity… does anyone find the names of the CIW buildings racist or a form of cultural appropriation in any way? I’ve personally always felt iffy about people giving something a culturally-related name that in fact has nothing to do with that particular culture. Opinions?

People, events and cultures are honored when buildings are named for them. It’s not the same as sports teams using stereotyped images from different cultures. I think you may be confusing the two. You might also want to review your history before concluding that the names have nothing to do with the area.

Well, to be fair she said they had nothing to do with the culture, not the area. I guess it would all depend on the particulars and the context. For example, I think some Native Americans take some offense at these children’s camps that take on native sounding names and where every lodge is named after a tribe or something similar. I think it is safe to say no offense was meant when that camp was started, and in fact was probably meant as a respectful gesture. But still, something done in ignorance can still be a little, or a lot, offensive.

I think one would have to know what went into the naming of these buildings before forming an opinion on the question.

Well it is well documented. No it is not like camp cabins. Have you heard of any Native Americans that have taken offense to the honor? If so, perhaps they might also like to challenge Names like Owego, Oswego, Oneonta, and on and on. The entire region is replete with Native American names. Should they be replaced with English ones?