<p>Hey everybody, I'm the new General Manager for the student-run theatre group on campus and I just wanted to give you all some information about theatre at the 5-Cs. I hope you will get involved next year! </p>
<p>I'm also a theatre major so feel free to ask any questions about student theatre, department shows, classes, or anything else to do with theatre.</p>
<p>Bottom Line Theatre/The Druids is our student theatre organization for the five colleges. We do lots of wonderful things (produce plays, go see shows in LA, have workshops, ect). Be sure to check out our upcoming AUDITION WORKSHOP at the beginning of the semester, Tuesday August 31st at 7pm! </p>
<p>For more information go to: BLT/Druids or e-mail us at <a href="mailto:blt.druids@gmail.com">blt.druids@gmail.com</a>! You can also check out our new facebook group: Welcome to Facebook | Facebook</p>
<p>Also, the 2010-2011 season was just announced for the Pomona College Department of Theatre and Dance. Here is the link if you are interested: 10-11 Season - Department of Theatre and Dance</p>
<p>Thanks and I hope you have a fantastic summer!</p>