Clark University Early Decision/Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

When do we think EA decisions will come out?

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Website says mid-January, so sometime in the next 10 days I guess. For ED (and the EA decisions they released before Christmas) they posted a notice on the admissions social media a bit before.

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Looks like EA decisions released “on or before Jan 20.” Noticed this on Twitter this morning:

Do we think it could come out today?

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EA release confirmed for today on Clark’s admissions Instagram!

Any word on what time? S23 is in class until 5 and then we have an hour drive home. Trying to figure out if he should check before leaving school.


They just said evening – East Coast time, of course. So any time now.


Son admitted with $26,000 award.

Edited to add stats:
Data Science intended major
SAT 1480 (760 Math, 720 Eng)
NM Commended Scholar
3.96 UW GPA
2 AP, 4 completed DE, 3 more DE in progress
No outstanding ECs (works 30 hours/week; D&D group; pursues music independently; volunteer activities through church)
Best guess is recommendations & essays were “fine”

Attended Open House in July; did optional interview in October


Admitted. Nice personalized letter, regional grant plus nice scholarship. Good job Clark! It’s top 5 on list so will have to visit. We only visit top 5 preferences after accepted.

Maths major

No SAT scores
No visit prior to admittance
Lots of EC, 3.9x UW GPA, 4.37 W GPA
Several AP and DC
Advanced Maths student, TA, Tutor, Leadership


I have heard multiple people say this! It was not obvious to me that my son’s letter was personalized, so I’m not going to emphasize to him that other people’s letters were. :grimacing:


There was one sentence where they called out my DD’s EC and leadership. Other schools did the same.

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Accepted! Received Traina Scholarship ($28,000/yr). One sentence of the letter was personalized – a nice touch.

Reported academic interests as Community, Youth, and Education Studies; International Development and Social Change
Attending private prep school
SAT 1510 (710 M, 800 ERW)
3.99 UW GPA
3 AP exams taken (1 self-studied, 5s on all), 1 exam pending
Decent ECs, likely strong rec letters, and I’m proud of my essays
Did optional interview

I’m thrilled with the merit scholarship I received, but also looking for clarification – if Presidential Scholarship finalists are notified in March, could someone who was awarded merit already in the EA round still be a finalist? Just curious whether anyone knows.


We are excited that our son received his Clark University acceptance today, however we are also a bit disappointed in the merit aid he was offered. ($21,000/year, which is a mid-level Clark scholarship.) This caught us by surprise, because he has been offered top tier scholarships at several other schools.

He has excellent stats:

1530 SAT
35 ACT
4.0 GPA, Unweighted
National Merit Commended Scholar
AP Scholar
Excellent EC
Good to excellent essays
Participated in optional interview
Excellent references

We have not toured Clark yet (we live in Georgia, and were waiting to see if the merit aid offer was worth the trip). So maybe that was the issue?

Anyhow, without a better aid offer, Clark won’t be financially feasible for our family). Does anyone know if they will consider reevaluating merit awards? And are students who received medium level merit aid offers still in the running for the Presidential Scholarship? Or are interviews for that only offered to students who have already received top tier awards?

Clark seems like a great social/educational fit for my son, and we were really hopeful for a good merit aid award there.

This is a really good question and I wish we had more information from past years. In the past, did everyone who was invited to interview for or received the Presidential Scholarship get the highest level of merit award in the initial round?

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My daughter was admitted! Nice personalized letter, Jonas Clark scholarship. 84k total over 4 years.
3.8 UW gpa
1430 sat
Varsity athlete- ski racer and now coaching littles
talented musician- 2 instuments/awards
All AP/honors classes 4’s on AP exams
a lot of impressive EC’s
I am assuming good recommendation letters?
didn’t read her essay


My son was admitted - Traina Scholarship $28K per year. Letter mentioned his passion for gaming, which was nice.

Intended Major - IMGD

Attends a large public school in eastern Pennsylvania (semi highly ranked in the state)
97.995 W (our school grades out of 100pts and only shows weighted GPA)
1500 SAT - NM commended scholar
3AP/10 Honors classes (Took AP Comp Sci as a junior - 5 on Exam - Taking AP Calc AB and AP Physics 1 this year)
Various academic clubs including NHS and volunteering.
Works as a cashier at a grocery store
Fences (with a club)
Essay was good and assume both rec letters were good

We went to the Open House in July.


Our son will be attending Clark in the fall. You son sounds like an amazing candidate. I agree that is surprising he wasn’t offered one of the two higher tier scholarships. Aside from his outstanding stats it seems he has several attributes that would make him attractive to Clark-especially being a male from Georgia as I would think they would like to increase the % of males at the school (to make it more even) as well as the geographic diversity. Only thing I can think of is with everyone applying to tons of schools and limited funds to distribute the fact that you did not visit the school yet made them wonder about whether you would actually enroll. It is a special place and my son loved it but it’s not for everyone and having not seen it may have caused them to allocate higher tier funds to those they considered better bets on enrolling. Aside from that I’m baffled.

Hi, we’re looking into Clark for next year and picked up on something you wrote–can you expand a bit on “it’s a special place and my son loved it but it’s not for everyone?” Thanks in advance and congrats!

I don’t, but I would absolutely ask Clark this question if I were in your shoes. As your son seems exceptionally qualified, it’s possible that the merit aid shortfall is a consequence of yield management, i.e. they are reserving bigger offers to students perceived as more likely to enroll. Perhaps you can change their calculus–and merit aid offer–with an email or phone call to emphasize your son’s interest in attending if they can make the money work.

Good luck!

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My son loved Clark since the first tour. He has been back three or four times including an overnight and still loves it. Some things he likes include the warm, welcoming, community vibe, the compact but pretty campus, the small class size and the student centered curriculum. There is definitely a very liberal and “challenge convention” vibe that pervades the campus as well. I wouldn’t say our son is super liberal or an activist but he is community minded, tolerant, accepting and open and he felt many students he met there shared these attributes.

That said, everyone is different. I loved my time at a large state flagship located in a college town with D1 athletics so Clark would not be for me. It’s a small school and though Worcester does have 8 or 9 colleges i wouldn’t consider it a college town. And the particular area of Worcester that Clark is in may be a turn off to some.

Also, If you are looking for a preppy New England campus in a bucolic setting Clark likely wouldn’t be for you. And, as noted, it has a very very liberal feel, even for a college campus, so if that is not your cup of tea you may find a better fit elsewhere.

Bottom line, these are just my impressions. I think best advice for anyone considering Clark, or any school for that matter, is to visit while school is in session to see if it’s right for you. Good luck!