***Class Of 2015 NMSF Qualifying Scores***

<p>Courtesy lonleynerd217</p>



<h2>   '99  '01 '04 '05 '06    ’07     ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ‘13</h2>

<p>Commended   201 202 202    203     200 200 201 201 202 200
AL  211 208 208 210 212    212     209 209 208 210 211 209
AK  214 211 210 211 212      ?     213 212 211 214 212 204 
AZ  212 210 212 211 212    214     211 209 210 209 213 212
AR  202 201 201 202 206    206     201 204 203 203 205 202
CA  215 215 216 216 217    219     218 217 218 219 221 220
CO  210 211 211 213 214    216     213 213 213 212 215 212
CT  219 218 219 220 220    221     217 218 218 219 220 218
DE  216 216 217 220 219  <=219     219 219 219 215 217 215
FL  213 213 214 214 215    215     212 211 211 210 214 211
GA  211 213 214 217 218    218     214 215 214 215 218 214
HI  215 218 214 216 214    218     213 216 214 215 216 211
ID  203 206 204 208 207      ?     204 208 209 208 211 207
IL  213 213 214 216 216    218     213 214 214 214 216 213
IN  210 207 211 212 213      ?     213 213 211 212 214 211
IA  209 209 207 209 210      ?     209 210 209 209 210 207 
KS  212 211 212 214 215    213     212 211 211 211 214 212
KY  207 208 210 210 212    212     208 209 209 208 212 208
LA  207 208 209 209 211    209     206 208 207 210 209 209
ME  214 213 211 214 212    213     211 212 213 213 212 210
MD  220 220 222 222 222    223     221 220 221 220 221 219
MA  222 221 222 222 222    224     223 221 221 223 223 221
MI  209 209 209 210 211    211     209 209 209 209 210 207
MN  214 211 212 215 213 214-15     213 214 215 213 215 213
MS  201 200 200 203 204    204     202 201 203 205 205 204
MO  211 210 212 213 213    214     211 213 211 210 213 210
MT  206 204 206 207 211      ?     207 208 204 208 209 203
NB  208 205 205 208 208      ?     207 206 207 210 209 207
NV  203 204 204 207 205 208-14     208 206 202 208 209 208
NH  213 214 213 215 217  <=216     215 211 213 214 216 211
NJ  220 219 221 221 222    223     221 220 221 221 223 221
NM  207 209 208 209 209      ?     208 209 208 206 210 208
NY  217 217 218 218 218    221     219 216 218 217 219 215
NC  212 212 213 216 216    215     214 215 214 214 217 213
ND  205 204 202 204 208      ?     202 201 202 202 204 200
OH  211 211 212 214 215    215     211 213 211 212 214 212
OK  207 208 206 208 208    207     207 208 207 206 209 206
OR  211 213 213 214 214    215     213 213 213 215 216 213
PA  214 213 215 215 215    217     214 213 214 216 215 214
RI  213 213 213 211 214      ?     212 213 217 211 213 211
SC  208 208 211 213 212  <=214     210 212 211 208 211 208
SD  204 202 206 205 206      ?     203 205 205 205 206 204
TN  212 212 213 216 216    217     213 213 213 212 214 210
TX  214 214 216 216 217    217     215 215 216 215 219 216
UT  203 204 200 204 207      ?     202 203 206 203 208 205
VT  212 213 213 213 218      ?     216 213 213 212 217 214
VA  218 218 219 219 220    220     217 219 218 218 220 217
WA  212 213 214 216 216    219     215 217 217 218 220 216
WV  203 202 201 202 206      ?     200 203 203 202 204 200
WI  210 208 209 211 211    211     208 210 207 209 209 207
WY  204 201 200 203 204      ?     200 201 201 202 204 200
DC  222 221 222 222 222      ?     223 221 221 223 223 221</p>

<h2>int’l 222 ? 222 222 222      ?     223 221 221 223 223 221</h2>

<pre><code>'99 '01 '04 '05 '06    &#8217;07     &#8217;08 &#8217;09 &#8217;10 &#8217;11 &#8217;12 &#8216;13



<p>Class of 2014 Qualifying Scores</p>

<p>See the stickied FAQ thread in this forum for links to lists of previous scores.</p>

<p>After the press-release date in mid-September, qualifying scores will be available by phone from the NMSC. Here is the number to call–the receptionist will give you one “qualifying score” when asked.</p>

<p>National Merit Scholarship Corporation
1560 Sherman Avenue
Suite 200
Evanston, Illinois 60201-4897
Main Telephone: (847) 866-5100
Main Fax: (847) 866-5113</p>

<p><all states="" updated="">
**AL=211<a href=“post%20#872%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**AK=212<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+8%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**AZ=214<a href=“post%20#798,%20per%20HS%20Admin%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**AR=205<a href=“per%20post%20#1041%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**CA=223<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**CO=215<a href=“tweet%20from%20CO%20principal%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**CT=221<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**DE=218<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**DC=224<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**FL=214<a href=“post%20#786,%20per%20GC%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**GA=217<a href=“post%20#943,%20per%20HSCC%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**HI=215<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**ID=211<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**IL=216<a href=“post%20#929,%20per%20GC%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**IN=215<a href=“posts%20#952%20&%20968%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**IA=210<a href=“post%20#783,%20per%20GC%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**KS=216<a href=“post%20#699,%20per%20principal%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**KY=211<a href=“post%20#795%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**LA=209<a href=“post%20#891%20per%20GC%20%5Bb%5DUnchanged%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**ME=215<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+5%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**MD=223<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**MA=224<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**MI=210<a href=“post%20#1012,%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**MN=215<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**MS=207<a href=“post%20#949,%20per%20GC%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**MO=213<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**MT=207<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**NE=209<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**NV=212<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**NH=214<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**NJ=224<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**NM=210<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**NY=219<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**NC=215<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**ND=204<a href=“per%20post%20#966%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**OH=215<a href=“per%20post%20#696%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**OK=210<a href=“per%20posts%20#689%20&%20#698%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**OR=218<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+5%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**PA=217<a href=“per%20posts%20#706%20&%20#856%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**RI=216<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+5%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**SC=210<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**SD=206<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**TN=212<a href=“post%20#917,%20per%20GC%20%5Bb%5D+2%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**TX=219<a href=“per%20post%20#793%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**UT=208<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**VT=217<a href=“per%20post%20#1032%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**VA=222<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+5%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**WA=220<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+4%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**WV=203<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**WI=210<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a>
**WY=203<a href=“posts%20#1115/1134%20%5Bb%5D+3%5B/b%5D”>/b</a></all></p>

<p>5(?) Boarding school regions
IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, OH, TX, WI region=219<a href=“per%20post%20#781”>/b</a></p>

AZ, CA, CO, ID, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY region =223

AR, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, WV region =217

<p>New England (?)
CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT region =224

<p>Mid-Atlantic (?)
DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA region =224

<p>Leaving three without a definite home:
IL, HI, KY (HI has one boarding school, KY two, IL two)
I am inclined to think, in spite of the news releases, that KY belongs to the Southeast or Midwest region, HI to the West, and IL to the Midwest.</p>

<h2>Of course there is no guarantee that in the future these regions won’t be re-grouped without notice by the NMSC. </h2>

<p>Internationals=224 <a href="+3">b</a>**
This usually is set to be equal to the highest cut-off score among all the individual states.</p>

<p>US Territories=203 <a href="+3">b</a><a href=“Puerto%20Rico,%20Northern%20Mariana%20Islands,%20US%20Virgin%20Islands,%20American%20Samoa,%20Guam%20&%20Minor%20Outlying%20Islands”>/b</a>
This usually is set to be equal to the lowest cut-off score among all the individual states.</p>

<p>Commended (national cutoff) = 203 (+3)
Any person with a score equal to or higher than this cutoff who is not a NMSF receives commended status. This group represents the highest 50,000 scorers. </p>


<p>National Achievement
Regions (we are unsure of these regions)
National Achievement Regions
1: CT, DE, DC, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI ,VT , VA
2: IL, IN, KY, MI, NC, OH, TN, WV, WI
3: Al, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, SC
4: AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IA, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, NV, NM, ND, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WY
5: Boarding schools and internationals </p>

<p>Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 need results
1<=206 in MD (post #835)
3<=187 in MS (post #875)
4<=196 in IA (post #1144)
Outstanding participants(National)<=186 (per lowest NASF Cutoff so far)</p>

<p>Has anyone heard anything about when October 2013 PSAT scores will be out?</p>

<p>Scores are mailed to schools “early December”
[PSAT</a> Test Dates and Deadlines - PSAT/NMSQT](<a href=“http://professionals.collegeboard.com/testing/psat/deadlines]PSAT”>PSAT/NMSQT Test Dates and Deadlines for Educators)</p>

<p>I have one in public school and one homeschooled that both took the PSAT this year. I expect my son’s scores to arrive early next week and daughter’s will be given to her by her school in early January.</p>

<p>I’m waiting anxiously, too. :slight_smile: From googling past CC threads from prior years, it looked like the earliest folks got scores were Dec 2 or 3 in the last couple years. My kids are homeschooled, so reports should be mailed directly to us, so I am stalking the mailman this week.</p>

<p>3scouts mom and mmom99, please let us know when your homeschoolers’ scores arrive! As soon as the first CCers report getting scores, we will start hounding the GCs at our HS. They tend to wait several weeks to a month to deliver scores, but in years past, some students were successful in nagging until they got their scores. Eager to see the scores, but not holding out much hope for NM Semifinalist as Texas was 219 last year, and my son said the PSAT was hard and he didn’t feel at all good about it.</p>

<p>I am anxiously waiting too. Glad I found this thread.</p>

<p>I’m waiting anxiously too.</p>

<p>Just got email from S school that they are sending home score reports today! He attends a prep school in NJ…</p>

<p>Thanks, catsmeow! Sounds like scores were mailed not just in early December, as CB promised, but in VERY EARLY December! Don’t know if they are all mailed at the same time, but I would think so. Our huge public HS will probably take a while to get them handed out. It’s weird how nervous it makes me just knowing the scores have been mailed! Good luck, everyone!</p>

<p>Yay! Thank you, catsmeow! Praying that I didn’t fail the math section :)</p>

<p>Thanks very much, catsmeow! I think they usually meet with each student at our large public high school and there is only one guidance counselor to hand them out, so it may be a few days. Ugh.</p>

<p>My son said he asked the guidance counselor and she said the reports are not being shipped until the end of this week???</p>

<p>deborahb…Our GC received an e-mail telling her that the scores were put in the snail mail to the schools on Tuesday. Most schools should have them in hand by the end of this week, but your individual school may not distribute the reports to the students until sometime later.</p>

<p>Having never been through this process before (and frankly, never having heard of NMSF before my daughter took the PSAT :slight_smile: Are the scores in the list above for 2013 the target scores for our Class of 2015 kids?</p>

<p>Soccermom…The scores listed above are the historical state by state cutoff scores to make NMSF. If your child scores at or above the state cutoff score for their year of graduation, they will be named a NMSF in September of their senior year. Scores tend to vary a few points from year to year, but if you look at the highest score listed for your state and add a point or two as a “target” you’ll more than likely be fine. Their HS will receive instructions for the package that will need to be submitted to NMSC for potential advancement to NMF. Achieving a PSAT score high enough to be named a Semi-Finalist is usually the hardest part of the process. There’s a stickied thread at the top of the National Merit forums that will answer most of the questions you might have about the process. Good Luck!!</p>

<p>Ah, ok so the years in the chart refer to the class graduation year and not the year the test was taken! Makes sense now. Thank you.</p>

<p>Got a 225 NJ.
If I get exactly the cutoff score does that mean that I made semifinalist?</p>

<p>Yes, PorcupineCup. You need to score AT or above the cutoff.</p>

<p>@PorcupineCup Congrats, a 224 has never failed to make NMSF, so even though you hail from one of the toughest states to qualify, you can breathe easy with a 225 :)</p>