***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

When is the deadline to send the SAT scores? Sorry, I have no idea whats going on

Last year it was Oct 8th. for the application and Dec 31st for the SAT scores.

@VaishS, start by reading this, going through each section:


If you have already taken the SAT and achieved the qualifying score of 1960, you can send your score to National Merit Schoarship Corp now, via your College Board account, using the code @Wolverine86 provided above. You may want to wait until you’re officially notified by your school of NMSF status, but I guess you don’t have to wait really.

If you have not taken the SAT yet, you have until a certain deadline (@Wolverine86 thinks its Dec 1 of your senior year) to take the SAT and send your score to NMSC. As in all things, please verify this w/your guidance counselor OR call NMSC directly and they will walk you through the steps. (You do not want to miss ANY step.) Now, when you get access to your online app for Finalist status, this will all probably be spelled out for you there.

Do not panic - you have plenty of time. Just make sure you get access to your NMF application from your school, read the instructions carefully, complete all steps and submit your app by the deadline - and make sure NMSC has your qualifying SAT score.

I linked last year’s thread above and if you read through that you will see a blow-by-blow of how it all goes down. Things can ALWAYS change, so please make sure you’re working w/the most current information, which will be (most likely) found on the instructions you receive with your app. Good luck!

@3scoutsmom is correct. The SAT score can be sent separately from the rest of the Finalist package, which allows students to take the December sitting of the SAT if necessary. We knew our D2’s PSAT score would qualify her for SF status, so we sent her SAT score in before she was officially notified by her school. NMSC just holds on to the score until they receive a SF-Finalist package to marry it up with. Just one less thing to have to remember. ~X(

@Wolverine86 we used one of the free score sends back when D took the SAT in Nov just in case she made it. Glad she did because I don’t want to give the Collage Board one cent more than I have to! I hope that we’ll be able to see that they have it once DD gets the code needed to set up her account. If not I’ll need to call to make sure they still have it.

@3scoutsmom … I don’t recall if it was viewable or not once the OSA account was set up. I vaguely remember being able to see that her “portion” was complete, but don’t recall if you could see specific items. I called NMSC a few times just to make sure all the ducks were in a row even after everything showed good on her part as well as the school’s part just to be sure. With the $$ that are potentially at stake for the families that are looking to take advantage of the fantastic opportunities…a few phone calls on my part was not a problem at all $-)

Are all of you actually believing that the list by Dookster is actually true? Many people I know are still skeptical.

I think the list that @Dookster posted is probably accurate, but the confirming score that was posted by someone else is absolutely false. In any case, everyone will be able to confirm for themselves in another 4 days. I know how hard the wait can be, having been through this twice ourselves, but one way or the other it’ll be known soon enough.


I’m pretty sure the list is legit. I got in with a 222 in VA- was informed later yesterday by my GC

@divider Dookster provided me with my daughter’s full name and middle initial last name spelled correctly which isn’t easy to do since it goes against most spelling rules. Want to tell me how they managed that without having the report that show all NMSF by state and high school???

I too am convinced the list is legitimate. Dookster was able to tell me my son’s full name after I only gave him the name/location of our school. There is no way for him to have done that unless he actually has the booklet with the NMSF info/names in it.

I also tend to believe it is correct. Our school principal in Texas confirmed the 220 & that two students in the school with a 219 score had been missed the cutoff.

Who is Dookster then, someone from NMSC?

I know… it was Jimmie!!! @GoAskDad

Is anyone who received their code/packet willing to post the essay prompt so others can start on this weekend?

@4kids2graduate, I have no idea if Dookster’s info is correct, and I hope it is. However, the booklet with the names of all the NMSF’s does NOT have the cut score info, or at least it didn’t last year (I have last year’s book). Dookster must have some higher access than mere GC or principal to have all of that info.

@PAMom21 I think it is in this year’s book because others have commented the their GC/Principle mentioned other state’s cut offs.

If that’s the case, it’s totally believable, because I didn’t have to work very hard to get last year’s book. I keep reopening mine wondering if I missed that, but I don’t think I did unless it’s very well hidden and written in code. Mine is broken up by state first, then city/town, then high school (or homeschool). It lists the student’s full name, and the 3 digit code they listed for their major. It’s telephone book print, listing all 16,000 kids for a fun read.

Hence why I believe that Dookster must be an informer from inside NMSC. It seems too accurate to be a prank.

They really must sit around and watch the CC boards light up near announcement times.

I think they went ahead and listed the cuts in this year because next year will be a totally different scale and this year’s cuts won’t allow people to predict next year’s cuts. Just my thoughts, I could be totally wrong.

@albert69 - JIMMIE LIVES!! :wink: