***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

<p>Well the test is in the books. Here we go for the bunch of 2016.</p>

<p>Older brother made a 230 in the class of 2014 and is a happy freshman on a full ride at Baylor. (full tuition for NMF combined with 2 other Baylor scholarships)
He went from a 203 Soph. year to a 230 on the one that counted.</p>

<p>Younger brother took the test yesterday. He made a 194 soph year so it would be quite a leap for him to hit this mark but hey, never say never. We are in Texas so I figure 218-220 should do it but I am just guessing on that one.
This forum was quite helpful to me last go around so I will be the first post for all you nervous parents and high achieving students out there. Good luck!</p>

<p>The other years threads are classified as “announcements” and stay at the top of the forum. I lack the importance and or knowledge to make this one classify like that.</p>

<p>@brawny77 – I was just about to start this thread, and then saw that you beat me to it. Excellent.
I also found the prior years’ threads helpful. S14 just missed out on making the cut, but it didn’t really impact his college admissions/decisions. We’re out in CA, so we’re looking at a 223ish for S16 to get NMF status, but who knows?</p>

<p>Hopefully one of the moderators with juice here on CC will somehow tack it to the top of the forum. </p>

<p>Not sure if this can go here but I think I got
-5 CR
-3 M
-2 or -1 W</p>

<p>Do you think I have a shot at Texas cutoff (218)?</p>

<p>If your predictions are correct, your score last year would have been roughly:</p>

<p>CR :70
M: 68
W: 72/77
T: 210/215</p>

<p>(Assuming you guessed on the ones you missed) Hopefully you did better than you think!</p>

<p>They play with the scores some as well. I think some Qs may be pilots or something. My son who took it for the class of 14 missed one on math but still got an 80…hmmmm</p>

<p>Interesting @brawny77 ! My son missed one for that same year (his sophomore), and dropped to a 76. That was the Saturday test. </p>

<p>Mine took it during the week. Are different questions weighted differently based on difficulty or something?</p>

<p>No, every question is weighted the same. However, Wednesday norms are different from Saturday norms. Still, one wrong making 80 for the math in particular seems unlikely. These norms are online somewhere, but I only have hard copies from this past year.</p>

<p>Looking at 2013 though, 1 wrong for math would drop all the way to 75 on Saturday, but only 78 on Wednesday. (This would have upset me more if my kid had made his stupid mistake in 2013 instead of 2012!)</p>

<p>Oh wait, I DO have a hard copy of 2012! (What to do with this giant binder of info collected during last year’s big wait!) </p>

<p>Anyway, according to this (from the report “Understanding 2012 PSAT/NMSQT Scores”, 1 wrong on Wednesday should have also brought back a 76, same as Saturday’s scoring. Are you sure you aren’t talking about CR? That will still bring back an 80 with just one wrong (both days).</p>

<p>Maybe that was it. He did get an 80 on the math and I was thinking he had missed one but it was him analyzing it not me. However his analysis would likely be more accurate than mine lol. My brain is getting old and dusty. I will ask him if he remembers next time he calls home. Overall he got a 230 but I don’t remember the exact scores on the other sections. </p>

<p>Ok I solved the mystery and I stand corrected. According to his analysis one of the questions he missed on reading did not count against him. Should have been slightly lower that he got so his thought was that the reading/vocab section must have a qualitative element to it. It wasn’t math.</p>

<p>if it goes like it has for the last few years. Scores should be mailed to schools by the end of the first week in December. Now if those pesky guidance counselors and principals will just let us know (spoken tongue in cheek as I am a school superintendent and former H.S. principal).</p>

<p>Our school generally doesn’t release the numbers until after the Christmas break. Hoping I can find some way to pry away the info before then…</p>

<p>If your school uses Naviance check there, our school will post scores on Naviance before they pass out the paper score reports. On our GC’s calendar it says 12/12 for PSAT score results so we should have the scores one month from today.</p>

<p>If you think your school might not be quick to notify, you might want to make contact with them in a week or two and ask them to be looking for the notification. </p>

<p>Get ready…should be in the mail any day. If anyone gets scores let us know and tell us where you are. Good luck guys!</p>

<p>I called NMSC today, and the lady could only tell me all schools would have the score reports by mid-December. She couldn’t confirm if a specific state’s results tests had been mailed yet. I just got off this merry-go-round with my NMSF daughter in September; my freshman son took the test this year for practice. Good luck to everyone waiting!</p>

<p>Despite the PSAT release being in “mid-December,” many people have reported significantly more college emails in their inboxes since Sunday. I believe that I did choose the option to obtain college emails, but still have not yet received any. Is this reflective of my score? As a sophomore, I scored a ~190, which I believe is relatively high in the state of Oklahoma, so I was really hoping to at least be commended by NMSC. If I am not commended I will be fine, but I’m stressing over no emails/no score.</p>

<p>Hey guys just got my report back! Tell me if you want specific questions and answers
70 CR (-5)
80 M (-0)
73 W (-2)</p>