***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Thanks, Barfly. I am the mom. I was hoping that we could click and paste from other applications. I guess they just want a running list with no explanations.

@helpfulandtrying, got it. No space for explanations. So you don’t get to cut and paste, but it can be time well spent if your NMSF ends up with a scholarship!

@Barfly, she got it done. I hadn’t looked at the application, so I didn’t know how surprisingly short that it was. Now just to get the essay done, and move on to other things. Not complaining here. :slight_smile:

My son is filling out the application for NMF–how long does the essay need to be? His essay is excellent as is but doesn’t use the entire space. Any Idea about needed word count? He has just under 350 words. Thanks for advice in advance! If NM addresses this, please send me a link!

@ci1718 There is no minimum that I can see in the rules (PDFs in the website), and I think a shorter, well constructed essay - that answers the theme - is a sign of sophistication. If executed well.

When do the Commended letters go out? I’m kind of waiting to send college apps…

For those who have been wondering, the Washington, DC semifinalists were finally announced today: http://patch.com/district-columbia/georgetown/washington-dcs-2016-national-merit-semifinalists-0

Without belaboring the issue, NMSC is very slow at getting info out the door. The info for the class of 2014 (took the PSAT in October 2012) is on their website in the 2013-2014 Annual Report. I’ve lost track of when they make the newest report available, but I think it was sometime in the last 6 months. Page 29 gives info on total number of participants, NMSF and commended per state, and program entrants per state. This info is important because NMSC does not archive the info and it is a way to keep track of the up and down movement of where student populations are growing or declining and which states were awarded more or fewer NMSF. If you have younger children who are potential NMSF, this could be helpful.
http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/17005236#Comment_17005236 This is class of 2012
I have a hard copy of Class of 2013 results and will post if anyone wants it.

@nycuws Here is the new official list for Boulder, CO

@lonetreegrad Thanks! Could you also look out for Aurora, CO?

@nycuws Sorry. No Aurora, Cherry Creek, or Denver news yet. Just Douglas County.

Is there a way other than call the National Merit people to check on whether SAT scores and the application has been received? Put another way, does the student or parent login have a portal that shows what’s there and what’s not there?


Not that I could find. I called them to verify. Very nice people only took a minute. They just asked for name, high school and date of birth. Not only did they tell me that they had the scores which were set back in Nov with one of the free score sends, but they also told me that they would only consider the highest of the score they had received.

@AsleepAtTheWheel , my daughter’s portal shows whether she has transmitted her app and that the school has done its part (or not), but not the SAT scores. I did call this week to confirm their receipt, since I had sent them back in December. It was quick and painless.

Urgent question: It does not mention a teacher letter of recommendation anywhere on the student application, however my guidance counselor told me I needed one. Do I really need it or is my guidance counselor misinformed?
I have never heard of this before.
And if we do need a LoR, how does that work? Does the teacher give it to the guidance counselor?

@3scoutsmom @GoodGrief16 – Thanks!!

@VaishS - My D did need a letter of recommendation and she is using a teacher’s recommendation that she had asked for previously for college apps. I would think that the recommendation would go to the GC so she would know the package was complete but I do not know that for a fact. I’m sure you will get many responses today and if not I will get more info tonight from my D.

In most cases doesn’t the GC write the recommendation for NM? The only cases I’ve heard other people providing them is when the student is home schooled.

The directions we received didn’t say anything about needing a LOR

6 does say that, "The school official will complete the school’s sections of the

application" and I think this is the section where they include a recommendation.

Yeah, the GC (or principal) should be providing the rec in the online format.

Ok, thank you everyone!
I talked to the GC today and figured it out. She wanted me to ask a teacher bc she doesnt know me well enough since its a huge school (she isn’t my GC, just one of the other GCs at the school) . So we talked and she ended up getting a rec from my normal college counselor who knows me. Its weird that they had her do the national merits instead of just letting the counselor who actually knows the kids do it. Whatever… shes getting my stuff done :slight_smile: