Class of 2020--- Roommate Matching Thread

Facebook has a Roommate matching group so CC should too…
Feel free to add or remove questions. These are just some ideas.

– short description of yourself—

What dorm/style dorm do you want to live in?

Will you be in the honors college?

  1. What are your study habits like?
  2. What are some of your pet peeves?
  3. Do you drink or smoke?
  4. What's your typical weekend like?
  5. What time do you wake up? Go to bed?
  6. What do you like to do for fun?
  7. How do you feel about overnight guests? Having friends over?
  8. How often do you clean? Are there any chores you hate? Any you like? Are you neat, messy or in between?
  9. Do you like to cook?
  10. What is your major?
  11. How sure are you that you will be attending UA?
  12. How do you feel about sharing clothes? Food? Other items?
  13. What is your religion? Political ideology?
  14. Have you ever shared a room before?
  15. Any social media? How else can we learn more about you?

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Roommate matching threads are not allowed. CC isn’t the right place for them.