Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

Congratulations! We are in PA, too! Still haven’t heard!

Congratulations to your child!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :+1:
I am in Texas as well (DFW) area. No news yet. We emailed the school and they say that they have not received anything from NMSC people :thinking:

Congrats to all who’ve heard! We are on a hybrid schedule so I had hoped my son would hear today in person. Next chance not until Thursday, and he is filling out an outside scholarship app that he would like to update. Guess he can always email his counselor.

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Just got the news in southern LA!


National Merit Scholarship Org cannot confirm the news to the student or family, however they mailed out the notifications to school on last Monday 02/01/2021.
The notification to the student and families have gone out today 02/08/2021.

Our school is saying that they have not received anything yet :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (not sure if this is true - or its just that the mail has not been processed). So, to find out the result quicker, you can implore/grovel/beg your school personnel to call NMSC and they can confirm/deny the “news” about your student to that school person, who will/should inform you. :roll_eyes:
Son has to send an application update in a couple of days . :fearful:

This is so much fun.

Thank you! Shouldn’t be too long now- good luck!

Congrats to all the finalists so far! My son didn’t hear anything at school today, so agonizing as it may be LOL… we wait. :wink:


Yes, if you are a NM Finalist and are accepted into USC, you are guaranteed a half-tuition Presidential scholarship. You must state that USC is your first choice before May 31.

However, USC offers some full-tuition scholarships (ex. Trustee scholarship). If a NMF is awarded a full-tuition scholarship and does not receive a NMS scholarship through NMSC or a corporation, USC will give that student a $4000 ($1K/yr) scholarship so they are designated as a NMS.

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Should we be sending colleges application updates if named a Finalist?

This is a good question. I am also wondering how much weight it carries.

You could try emailing the schools, @elephant03 @NJ08809 . Probably wouldn’t hurt to ask :slightly_smiling_face: .

That’s a good idea, better than speculating :thinking:

We just got an email from the school that my daughter is a Finalist.


I emailed our assistant principal this morning and got the oral confirmation that my son is on the Finalist. Not sure when we will receive it in mail though. Texas it is.


My son has a couple of updates to send and we are planning to put this information (if it is positive for us) in that update.

Regardless of what universities and colleges project - making it to the NMSC finals is an achievement so I would not discount it entirely.

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We received word from our son’s school this morning that he is a finalist! North Carolina is starting to receive letters.


Just catching up with the discussion on the thread. Apparently BU gives the same $25k Presidential scholarship to both NMS Finalists and kids who have been recognized by the College Board National Recognition Program (CBNRP). I am almost sure they wont let them double dip :wink: How I wish they did tho :thinking: :grin:

Just talked to our Principal and no letter yet. Pray for my sanity, LOL!! :rofl: :woman_facepalming:


What do you mean by “double dip”?

Also, do you happen to know if the Presidential is automatic for NMF applicants who designate BU as first choice by the 3/1 deadline? Or is it competitive?

Good luck! Our principal told us that he hadn’t received anything in mail but verbal confirmation on the finalist.