Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

Thank you!

Yes my index was a 220 (1480 PSAT)

Sorry to keep asking you questions but I meant was 1480 your PSAT or SAT score?

My DD got 760 on both the math and english sections of the SAT but her school has not notified her at all so I thought she did not make the cutoff for California. Based on what others are saying that would equate to a 228. She did fill out all the required paperwork for alternative entry and sent her score directly to National Merit.

It’s significantly easier to score better on index on the SAT than the psat. Both are difficult, but it could definetly impact cutoff scores.

What is involved with the principal endorsement? Is it just signing off that the kid has good grades and has not gotten in trouble with a signature? Does a letter have to be drafted by the school?

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I’ve heard from local sources that the Missouri cutoff is 214.


thank you!!

I think u may have to wait until September 15.

I contacted USF and they’re still giving a full scholarship and a couple of other benefits to out-of-state NMFs. UF and other Florida schools however aren’t.


Yes. You need the principle or in our school the principle asked the kids to ask a teacher to write recommendation letter

This website here is made by a college consultant and has a link to a spreadsheet with pretty much every college in America and what they give to either national merit semi-finalists, finalists, and in some cases, commended students.


Hello, it should be enough. The highest cutoff we have seen in the last few years is 223, so a 225 should definitely qualify her.

The National merit semi finalist or finalist can contact each college to find out if they offer scholarships or not

If a 225 doesn’t qualify, I may as well buy a lottery ticket.


@Gex6 we’re in a similar boat with my son. Not quite as high of an SI, but high enough that it’s a given — assuming all of the paperwork was processed as expected. :crossed_fingers:

First day of school today though and I’m sure the counselors are backed up with higher priority items like course schedule corrections. So mid-Sep might be the earliest we get to hear anything.

I’m trying not to express my anxiety to my wife and son… thankfully I have all of you here as an outlet :rofl:

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Thanks for posting! I hadn’t seen this list before and it looked more recent than others.

Definitely helps to have a list of schools that we might have overlooked otherwise.

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My D22 has 217 in GA, and I’ve been a tiny bit hopeful, but not much. If only we lived in FL, lol.

Shame, her ACT is 36 – but her SAT/PSAT has always been weaker, even on practice tests. Funny how the brain works. Ah well.

36 ACT gets a great package at Alabama


I feel like AEs would have to be included. If AEs were not factored in, there would have been tens of thousands more NMSFs than normal. The system was clearly abused by many (not all but many). I hope that AE is fixed going forward.

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Skypetutor played a huge role in AE abuse. He explained how much easier it was to qualify via AE, and he encouraged every student to use that route. It ruined the integrity of the competition this year.