Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

Thank you! I didn’t know that. Looking into it now – D22 really wants to go to a small school, but I’ve heard good things about the honors program at Alabama. Might be a great backup option.

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Seriously that guy pissed me off.


The wait is over - my Texas kid just got called in to counselor’s office with notification of NMSF. Thank y’all for being so nice on this thread.


Congrats @pinkmomma !! :clap:t2::clap:t2:
Still waiting to hear from our school.

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Congrats! That’s wonderful.

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Congratulations! Our school announced they have 8 NMSF and that they cannot release names yet, ugh…


Anyone hear anything more for MN? There was only one report of a 221 last week but that would represent an increase from last year and that doesn’t seem to be the overall trend…

Not sure if we’re referencing the same post but /r/psat had someone else 4 days ago report a 221 that made it. Then before that there was someone else from MN that made it that wouldn’t give their index but had a score of 1480 which is a max index of 221.

I personally have a 222 in MN and have heard nothing from my school yet. :crossed_fingers:


Art reported early
Minnesota now <= 219


We finally received a letter from the school district with notification of NMSF! The information posted here helped a lot while we waited. Thank you all. In Arizona, SI 222.


To all students and parents - remember NMSF is not a golden ticket. There are definitely a number of schools that will provide significant $$$ if you progress to NMF. But, my mistake was think of it as a “super EC” that would essentially guarantee admission to any school. That was my mistake. It is your confirmation that you are a smart kid. The rest of your CV should reflect that.

If you need aid for school, the NMF can be a great asset. Just remember, you still need strong essays, etc. to get into more selective programs.

Congratulations to all who make NMSF - best of luck on the school admissions process.


@evolution1 Doesn’t a 1480 PSAT have an SI range of 220-224? (720verbal + 760math or vice versa: 722+76=220 and 762+72=224) or is there some nuance with the individual scores that I’m missing?

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That’s correct. One cannot calculate the SI based on the total SAT score itself. The math/verbal numbers matter.

How can something that more than 16,000 students receive every year guarantee admission to any school?

How can something that more than 16,000 students receive every year guarantee admission to any school?

I think that it is similar to the many that feel being a valedictorian is a golden ticket to anywhere. ~18,000 valedictorians/yr and while it helps tremendously it is certainly no guarantee.


Depends on whether it was an SAT or a PSAT. For the PSAT, yes, that’s the range.

A 1480 SAT, used for Alternate Entry, could yield anywhere from a 208 to a 224 SI.

And yes, the truth is that a significant percentage, if not a majority, of applicants at the most selective schools will be NMFs. I would bet it’s more than the number of admitted students at many.

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And it will be something mentioned in the bottom half of the awards list in the application, if mentioned at all.

My bad. I meant to write 1450.

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I never claimed to be logical. I’m a parent who thinks their kids walk on water! Yes, the harsh reality that selective schools are still selective, despite NMSC status, was a tough pill to swallow. Then I found CC and learned how the world really works.


I respect your honesty. It’s such a breath of fresh air. For my daughter, being a NMF would almost cover her cost of attendance at Alabama or Mississippi State. Both are contenders for her at this point. She’s only got one Top 20 on her list (MIT), and I don’t expect a NMF designation to play a role in her admission decision there.