Class of 2022 National Merit Discussion - Scores Release

@Luanne @Beyou2022 We are in the same boat - also glad there will be direct notification. Since many scholarship apps are due now/soon, it would have been nice to hear sooner from the school, but I suspect they are overwhelmed right now.

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I have a few questions about designating a first choice school. In the first instance my child designated their ED school (from which deferred), which doesn’t actually give any NMF money. If they now change their “first choice” designation to a different school, would ED school find out? Although ED school gives no money, we wouldn’t want them to think they’re not still the first choice of school. Second question - if child picks a new “first choice” before March 1, would that information be seen by Admissions at that school such that they may view child as being paticularly serious about them? Or does Admissions have no idea? Third and final question - if child has a given school identified as “first choice” but then after receiving decisions, does not get into the designated school, can they change to a school to which they have been admitted? Thanks in advance for your guidance!


Good questions. I don’t think the ED school was notified yet. First notification would be in March. You could change now to undecided and no one would be notified
Before May you can change to a school that accepted your child


Yes, Williamson County.

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My suggestion would be to change to “undecided.” I doubt the ED school (that doesn’t give NM scholarships) is scouring the updated lists from NMSC for changes. Since they deferred your child, changing from that school to undecided shouldn’t ruffle any feathers.

Is there a second school that does give NM scholarships that your child would likely attend if accepted?

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My son has applied to 2 schools that award money for National Merit.

He had his first choice listed but they only give a small award. His second choice awards large NM scholarships. By listing another school first I wondered if that would affect whether his second choice would admit him.

I just had him switch to undecided.

But it hadn’t occurred to me that the schools could see the list of students and their choice of schools.
I am wondering if changing to undecided will reduce his chances of getting in to the first choice NM school.

I think only the first choice school gets notified. The second choice will not know if other school was listed or if he was undecided
They will know he is semifinalist

I don’t believe schools are notified of choices until March 1, based on the National Merit instructions (see page 5):

It isn’t clear whether schools get names of all finalists or only the ones that named that school.

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It is likely that they do, as we received pitches to apply to some schools that we have not based on semifinalist status
Alabama and Arizona among them

I meant it isn’t clear if schools get the names of all finalists AND their first-choice school

You are right. Only the list. They don’t get the school choice, unless they are the ones named
I believe this is on the instructions

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My son hasn’t gotten anything in the mail yet other students in his school have so I assume the letters got to town. We didn’t get a rejection letter either.

I suggested he go talk to his counseling office to see if they know anything, but my son doesn’t want to bother them. Is there a number to call to find out?

Counselors are not helpful anymore. That’s the reason kids don’t want to talk to them. You can imagine what kind of counselors are they if kids don’t want to talk to them. My kid is also waiting for the letter. Counselors can call NMS and get the result but they don’t want to do that.

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Letters to schools were mailed February 7. In our district, all mail goes to some central warehouse and it didn’t wind its way to the actual principal and counselor until February 15. :roll_eyes:

Letters to individuals were purportedly mailed February 14, but we haven’t seen ours yet.


No letter for us either

Neither for us:(

I mentioned this is another thread - I can see in our Informed Delivery a letter from NMSC. Not sure if the letters are actually mailed from Evanston, IL but we do live fairly close to Evanston.

Also I saw on Reddit (r/psat) that NMSC won’t give out info over the phone until a week after letters have been mailed out.


I called NMSC and was told that school administrators may call to inquire about their student’s finalist standing. However, students and parents may only do so beginning on Monday,2/21.


It came, it came! What a relief! We got the letter in today’s mail. I hope there are more postings of good news today!


Principal told me the NMF letters were sent out to schools one by one instead of a whole list for a school.