Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

Sorry, just saw your question. We contacted admissions and told them what we were interested in (this was junior year). They set up the meeting with NM program office for us. Same basic format as the group event - met with NM office, toured the campus with a student ambassador (NMF), lunch at the dining hall, then we met with the department head for son’s major. They also have Scholar’s day coming up - I think one in October and one in November. We’re attending the October session.

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Thanks! What are your sons’ majors? Mine will be actuarial science - so School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Both are CS majors, youngest finishes with his MS in May and already has job starting as soon as he graduates. The older one is currently working on his PhD. UTD has really been a great fit for both of them and the NM package and honors program are wonderful!

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We went through the whole BU early NMF first choice selection date issue in 2022. S22 was also applying to USC, and wanted the opportunity to switch his NMF first choice selection to USC even if he received the BU NMF scholarship offer, as he was undecided. I spoke to BU admissions, which were not helpful. I spoke to NMSC, which were very helpful. They confirmed that the BU half tuition offer does not trigger the first choice lock. It was the awarding of the $500 NMF college sponsored scholarship that triggers the lock. NMSC does not process that offer until May. From what NMSC told me, as long as he changed his choice before May, he would be able to receive the NM scholarship from a different school. On May 1, they look at a student’s account and only process offers at that time if a school offer matches with a student’s first choice. They do not process offers as they are received. Based on that info, S22 put down BU as first choice in Feb. Then, when he was admitted to BU but not given enough of a scholarship to attend, he switched his first choice selection to USC before May. He received the USC half-tuition NMF scholarship.


Thanks for this. I bookmarked your post for when students/parents ask in the future.

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Just popping in because I was so confused last year. :grin: My NMF did not name a top choice school through NMSC until the very last minute, after we had already committed to her school (Fordham). She loved USC and would have named it first choice, but was not admitted. She originally got a full-tuition scholarship and was surprised when she got the additional $2k through Fordham after naming it as her first choice. So my point is, we waited and it worked out great for her. But definitely make a top choice just in case! (Also, Fordham was not even on our radar and has ended up being ideal for her, so enjoy the ride!)


I am so glad Fordham is working out for your daughter! Being from 1,200 miles away, it wasn’t on our radar either.

And I agree the whole “Top Choice” thing is so confusing. I wish the NMSC would just do away with that requirement!