Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

I see a lot of out of state applications going to UVA. Are people really considering paying $250K for a BSN? By D will be doing all of this next year, and while she wants a ‘real’ college experience (sports, etc.), that price tag is scary!

@RMA123, yes, my UNH portal was updated. Admitted, but not to nursing. 3.6 GPA, 30 ACT, 4 AP’s, varsity athlete, hospital volunteer. Counselor said 3.75 was the GPA cut-off for nursing this year – so much for the “holistic” review : (

Ugggh. Well it is important a school values us beyond the GPA. I’ll just wait and see what happens. Good luck to you.

UVa meets 100% of the financial need of all US students. If you are admitted, it will be affordable. However, they typically include work study jobs in addition to a full set of federal Stafford loans in the financial aid.

This is unlike most public universities, which provide little need based aid to out of state students.

UVa is also now further increasing financial aid to in-state students.

@Charliesch Thanks! Good info…off to do the NPC…

SAT:1300 (English: 620 Math: 680)
ACT: Never taken
GPA: 4.373 weighted
Rank: 3/200
State Residency: NJ
Gender: Male

Accepted into: (all direct unless noted otherwise)
School: Rutgers New Brunswick & Newark
School: William Paterson University
School: Felician University
School: Fairleigh Dickinson University
School: Regis University
School: Saint Louis University
School: Seton Hall University
School: Ohio University (Pre-Nursing)

Waiting on:
Sacred Heart University
University of Pittsburgh
George Washington University
Emory University
Ramapo University (unofficial acceptance by admissions officer)

Extra Curricular:
National Honors Society- Corresponding Secretary
Student Government Association- Vice President
Co-Vice President of the Band
Section Leader of the Clarinet Section
Student Council- Treasurer- Freshman Year
Student Council- Public Relations Director- Sophomore Year
Peer Group Leader
International Culture Club
Mock Trial
Future Business Leaders of America
National Honors Society
World Language Honors Society

Hudson Regional Hospital- Emergency Room Volunteer
Rutherford Community Band- Volunteer Musician
Summer Music Program- Clarinet Instructor (Summer)
Camp Invention- Intern Volunteer (Summer)

Boys Volleyball JV Team- Since Freshman Year

Tutoring- Student in Grade 7

@Lauremal Congrats! How did you rule out the others to Westchester and U Del?

@vamom4 Kudos to your daughter. Sorry about Villanova but lots of great choices for her still. Which PITT campus did she get into. I don’t know if CWRU is worth an extra 50K when her other choices are really good. Let us know how you decide

@marime32 Good luck on UVA and Clemson. Where is DD leaning towards now?

@bigmacbeth That price tag is scary UVA or not. Hope NPC calculating made it clearer either way!

@eric4532 Impressive acceptances. Congratulations to you. Please keep us updated. Where do you want to go?

@readthetealeaves thanks! I was actually hoping that this thread could help me make a decision. Although I did not receive any word on financial aid from Rutgers I am leaning towards them.

@eric4532 Are you leaning toward Rutgers Newark or Rutgers New Brunswick?

@readthetealeaves financially, Newark would be better because I would commute. I also did a pre-med program there and I was content with the campus. My sister goes to the New Brunswick campus and she loves it. Personally, while i do also love the campus, I feel that it too big.


Heard today from University of New England ($18K Presidential Scholarship) for their direct-entry nursing program.

Demographic: Indian
Sex: Male

I took the ACT and got a 30
English 31
Math 32
Reading 26
Science 31

I have taken 6 AP’s and plan to take 2-3 more my senior year

Schedule/AP scores

AP Human Geography (3 on exam)
Honors Government
Physical Science
Spanish 2
Honors Geometry

World History
Spanish 3
Honors Algebra 2
AP Biology (3 on exam)
Honors Chemistry
Honors English
Honors Precalculus

11th grade
AP Calculus AB (5 on ab subscore)
US History
AP Chemistry (4 on exam)
Spanish 4
Organic Chemistry
AP Calculus BC (4 on exam)
AP English Language and Composition (3 on exam)

Classes signed up for 12th grade
AP English Literature
Senior Economics
AP Physics 1
Diferential Equations and Linear Algebra

Current UW GPA: 3.77
Current W GPA: 4.06

Volunteering at Hospital for 3 years
Counselor for 2 religious camps
National Honor Society (NHS)
Youth Extended Service Club
Science Bowl
Mock Trial
Spanish Club
Badminton Club
Teacher Assistant over the summer

I received the President’s Volunteer Service Award for my service hours
I also received the AP Scholar with Honor award for my AP scores

I got into the UMN Nursing Guarantee Program Direct Admit

@MAPAone Congrats on The University of New England and the merit aid!

@minnesotaman123 Way to go on your admission to UMN Nursing Guarantee Direct Admit Program. Please refresh us on the other schools you are seeking to get admitted to?

@eric4532 Great connection to both campuses. Commutable is good for Newark for sure to save $. Can’t go wrong

Update: Accepted to Case Western