Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

I agree. I’d do COA. I don’t know what New School says in their coa for books but my D has spent next to nothing on books and more than made up for it in housing lol :open_mouth:

Music major book costs have been amazingly low.

Another historical data point for NEC: D was accepted for VP via email on 4/1/2016 but she applied for the joint program with Tufts. Tufts accepted her on 3/31, so that may be why NEC notified so late. She also received notification about the joint program on 4/1.

Frost has recently been 20K for most/good applicants and 30K for “great” candidates.

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Ithaca has been 6-20k, COA is $61,000.

Yes, this probably indicates that the teacher likes her, would like to teach her and mentor her development in some way, but may not have total control of admissions. Or it could also indicate that s/he likes her and would like to mentor her but may, as it shakes out, end up taking a different student, since her department is so small and there are few admissions, may only a single one. I would not take that statement lightly, as, even if she does not get accepted she might end up being able to study with this teacher at a summer program or grad school. These connections in music often have a very long arc (I have discovered.)

When we toured Oberlin last year, they indicated COA was $80K per year. Almost every kid got some sort of aid (merit/financial). And, since there really isn’t any off-campus housing, there’s no way to reduce the COA.

Is anyone else getting super disappointed every morning when the USPS Informed Delivery arrives in their inbox? Starting to think it wasn’t a good idea to sign up. :((

I am thinking that I will have to invest in some wine… like enough to make it through the end of March. How many bottles is that? this waiting is killing me… :((

I love USPS Informed Delivery. Addicted already! I do see your point though. It is certainly underwhelming so far.

Haha! I’m addicted too…unfortunately the mail goes to my ex-husband’s house, not mine! ?

Further to the scholarship discussion yesterday, a letter from Michigan SMTD came yesterday saying that they will send out scholarship offers by email the first week of April and that they can range from $1,500 to full tuition.

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You guys see this breaking story?

Involves USC which is what caught my eye.

Maybe schools are right to put that much focus on the audition. As they say in my D’s scene “You can’t fake the funk” lol.

Coaches, the college board, test proctors, and parents–it’s a huge scandal. 50 indictments. This particular scam has been going on since 2011. These people already have enormous privilege and then they cheat too. Huge sums of money are involved.

Not pretty. Included in the list of schools targeted by the cheaters: Georgetown University, Stanford University, UCLA, the University of San Diego, USC, University of Texas, Wake Forest, and Yale

Hate to say it but I would not be surprised at all to find out similar things happen in the musical realm.

I couldn’t come up with a concept of how it would happen in the musical realm, in that all your peers are constantly seeing the real you.

That was my point about “faking the funk”. In sports, you can say somebody is going to play soccer, admit them to the school, and just never have them play soccer. Easy.

But there is no way to do that in music, at least in pursuit of a BM or BFA. You would be admitted to the music school and have to show up and perform on day one.

Only parallel scenario I can think of would be somebody applying to a LAC and using music as an EC to differentiate. Submitting a glowing reco and some fake supplemental materials. Getting into the general school and never pursuing any music.

But the programs our kids are applying to would be pretty hard to fake your way into.

@GoForth…this is speculation based on rumor (dangerous) so take it for what it is…but I have “heard” particularly in theater but a bit in music…that some of the more expensive schools will check summer programs and zip codes. If you have two students on the edge…and one did expensive summer programs and comes from the right zip code…do you think that student has a higher chance of an offer over the student from the wrong zip code with no summer programs? It’s not a question of talent per se…yes the student has talent…but at the bottom rung, is this kid more talented than the other? Or just more likely to attend at full pay? I have seen it more in grad school. Kids going to impressive programs at full pay. While others are paying very little at the same program. How do schools get those “needed” full pay kids yearly?? Hmmm…

@bridgenail - there’s a similar correlation of out-of-state kids vs. in-state ones. OOS students pay significantly more per year than IS. Anecdotally we’ve seen at very impacted in-state schools that OOS students who might not be as good get in over a slightly more qualified IS one.

Why would anyone want to fake their way into a demanding music school only to be outed and possibly kicked out at the end of first term anyways? As said above I can see how it could happen in LACs to strengthen ones resume but not in this corner…

I am glad to see this crackdown. My eldest is graduating from one of the Ivies this year and there are always questions about how much this or that parent had to ‘donate’ to get their uber rich and equally non-academic offspring into that school… There is a very fine line between ‘donations’ and what is being unearthed now IMHO…

Anyways, sorry for the tangent.