Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Wow @HereWeGoAgain2018 ! Colburn! And even better, no need to wait for the FA package since Colburn is free. Big congratulations!

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Wow! Congratulations @HereWeGoAgain2018 Such wonderful news. Doing the happy dance with you ???

@OnTheJourney19 when did your son Audition?

@HereWeGoAgain2018 Congrats! Way to go!

@tripletmama the waiting stinks! We have two acceptances and one is Ds second choice but waiting on scholarships.

The prescreens, applications and auditioning were a cake walk compared to the waiting!

Congratulations @HereWeGoAgain2018! Wonderful news!

@HereWeGoAgain2018 - beyond excited for you!!! Our daughter practices at Colburn every night - and she loves it there. Wish they had a jazz program.

To pass the time (and the waiting angst) I just went back and read last year’s “Journey Thread”…and I noticed this post on 3/14, re-posting something from the year before. Maybe we can keep posting it every year as it’s so very true. It comes from @BassDad’s original thread (I think).

"Installment #9, Endgame

After auditions are over, the month of March stretches on forever. You will swear that entire years have passed in less time than March of senior year. Instead of a weekly trip to a dynamic, new city where your son or daughter meets fascinating people exactly their age who share their most deeply-held interests, they are now stuck at home with the same boring crew in a place they can’t wait to leave with too much missed schoolwork to make up. With the initial excitement of auditions long past and all of the pressure suddenly off, the high point of the day is now the arrival of the mail. The low point occurs 15 seconds later when they realize that another day has passed without the arrival of THE LETTER. Slowly, one by one, the rejections, waitlistings and prized acceptances finally start to dribble in. Inevitably, the most important one shows up last."

@HereWeGoAgain2018 Happy Dance!!! WOW. So awesome for you and your D. Congrats!

@HereWeGoAgain2018, a huge congratulations on Colburn!!! That would be my dream school for any kid because it’s free!! Beyond thrilled for you all!!

Congrats on Colburn! Happy dancing right here with you!

Thanks to all of you for your kind words. It is certainly a big relief. I really appreciated all the knowledge and camaraderie on this forum. Going through this period together was much easier. Thank you!

@HereWeGoAgain2018 huge congratulations to your D! What instrument is she playing?

Thanks @pdxtigermom. She plays the double bass.

I think I have this right:
@AmyIzzy congrats on Roosevelt admission, and CCPA admission w/scholarship
@UniversityMomof2 congrats on financial aid offer x2, and Lawrence admit!
@akapiratequeen congrats on Syracuse offer!
@pdxtigermom congrats on CMU SOM admit
@highnotes2018 congrats on CMU SOM admit
@Lendlees sorry about the rejection
@new2music congrats to your s
@onthejourney19 congrats on the Jacobs acceptance
@HereWeGoAgain2018 congrats on Colburn acceptance

And sympathy to all who are waiting! We have three of four answers, two with the financial picture included (Luther and Lawrence; BW has not yet sent a financial aid letter but did send merit). Now it’s starting to get real!
D is leaving for a spring break camping trip with boyfriend and his family, and her pending absence (7am tomorrow) is making me sad. Trial run separation! We’re considering admitted student days but it isn’t the easiest to arrange with all the music events this spring. I think D is enjoying her friends and the busy life of a teenage musician, though.

All good wishes to everyone!

@HereWeGoAgain2018 Congrats on Colburn!

Congratulations to all, especially @akapiratequeen, with that, you can probably negotiate and even better deal elsewhere, if desired. And to @HereWeGoAgain2018, what a wonderful feeling to be done and moving on to such a wonderful next step. We have three acceptances and are waiting for more news. DS likes all the places he applied to so he is feeling calm and excited at the same time.

Congrats @HereWeGoAgain2018 !!! Colburn is awesome. You must be very proud.

Accepted student days: worth it or not? S isn’t showing a lot of interest. Some schools are offering him one on one shadow days, or visits with free lessons, and that seems more worthwhile than a campus-wide event. Does anyone have a different view?

@akapiratequeen Having done two accepted student days with non music majors, I think the shadow days and lessons will be more beneficial. D was invited to one of her acceptances to participate in studio classes, meet the other studio members but unfortunately she can’t attend because she’s missed too much school:(

@akapiratequeen, my son is going to accepted students days at the schools that he is unsure about. So, those days will serve as another data point to help him make his decision. If your S is sure about where he wants to go, it would seem less important to go.

And one thing my nephew just brought up (he’s a sophomore) is to make to eat the dorm food and see if you can handle it for a year (or more - depending on the school).

My son indicates that he doesn’t need any type of re-visit to make his decision, but he also seems nowhere close to thinking about making a decision so who knows?

Scheduling is also an issue here. He has a school orchestra trip, all-state event and special school concert (with exchange students from overseas) all coming up in the next two to three weeks. The admitted music student event I would most like him to attend conflicts with two of these and the other one is so close to May 1 that I want to cry, haha. The “regular” admitted student days might work out, but I don’t think they would be that helpful.

RE: Dining halls - He says he doesn’t care about food, but I will say that the school that waitlisted him had an article in their student newspaper a few months ago about moldy hamburgers. Pretty gross!