Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@Lendlees We heard from Jacobs in early February. Auditioned January 12th. It was a rejection, though.

Congrats to the new admissions/scholarships!
We had results from CIM yesterday which we weren’t expecting yet. It was a no, but S knew it was a big stretch (we think they only planned on taking 2 bassoons).

@Lendlees - S heard from Jacobs about a month ago after auditioning in January.

WOWWWWWZZZZAAAAHHHHH!!! I am so happy reading all of these posts and just now catching up after a crazy busy week!! @akapiratequeen HUGE Congrats to your son! Does that change things for him? Was thinking Ithaca was his top choice no? But I grew up near Syracuse and that is an incredible school. That would be tough to turn down but also it gives him great ammunition for appealing to his top choice for full tuition if 'Cuse isn’t it. @AmyIzzy such great news about your D and I knew she would get in at CCPA with a nice offer! @UniversityMomOf2 congratulations as well!

For all of you waiting on Miami/Frost you can go back to last year’s thread and see comments on the portal stalking that happened on Thursday of this upcoming week a year ago. There was an entire dedicated thread to watching for sightings of a mysterious green circle followed by the addition of another admissions area below the green checkmark showing application submitted etc. Then the lovely check saying “Admitted” and the long wait for everything else to show up. I know everything came during the day on Friday with regard to money. It’s going to be an exciting week! Can’t wait to hear!

Wow! Yesterday was a busy day/night and am just catching up on CC now. I am THRILLED to read all of the good news.

@akapiratequeen - huge congratulations on your son’s amazing accomplishment! A full tuition scholarshp to a great school is beyond amazing!

@pdxtigermom, @highnotes2018 and @new2music - congratulations to your children on their “unofficial” acceptances to Carnegie Mellon! That is incredible!

@AmyIzzy - congratulations on CCPA with a nice merit award! Woo hoo!

@UniversityMomOf2 - so wonderful that he got into his first choice school. Fingers crossed that the numbers worked out.

My son is still waiting on decisions from a few schools and to see if he gets a scholarship offer from the one music school he has heard back from so far. He has just scheduled a return visit to another school for April 15th, so it looks like it will be a full month before my son makes his final decision.

Sorry to hear, @Lendlees . Hope the others turn out in your favor. Belated congrats to @akapiratequeen , @AmyIzzy , @pdxtigermom, @highnotes2018 , @new2music , @UniversityMomOf2 , and everyone else that got great news.

@tripletmama I can so relate! Just received the truancy notice from school. D milked it a bit too. The principal was such a jerk. Told D she could have two days excused for auditions and she had 5 auditions. Guidance counselor was very supportive and said they’ve had athletes take three weeks to study independently to train. Ah, but musicians can’t get the same. D’s a straight A student in the top 10% of her class. She won’t be graduating in the top 10% now. She received 0’s on all her work the days she missed, including tests.

You’re so right about kids becoming unbearable to help with the separation. I noticed the same with my oldest on school breaks as well. For the first month or so of summer break everything would be perfect and I would be dreading her going back. About two weeks before heading back she’d become such a pain in the neck, her leaving couldn’t come fast enough!

Still no word… two won’t come until the end of the month but we thought we’d hear from Jacobs by now. We’re waiting on scholarships from two others as well. And so we continue to wait…

Thanks all. S is taking it in stride and is already in at two other schools (that he really likes AND with $$) so he realizes sometimes schools are looking for potential and sometimes they are looking for more accomplished musicians. We knew CIM would be picky - they didn’t accept any grad students this year in one area of percusssion as no one was “good enough”.

I think we are going to suggest to S that he contact Jacobs next week and see what’s up. And still waiting on two other schools as well.

Such fun hearing about everyone’s successes! Next month will then be the agonizing decion-making conversation for many of us (a good problem to have in my book).

@akapiratequeen Congrats! Even if it’s full tuition and not room and board what an accomplishment! Great school with a price tag to match! That’s just amazing.

@Lendlees We’re still waiting on Jacobs too. Since it’s rolling admissions, I wonder if that means D’s on the waitlist/fence and they’re waiting for those accepted to reject before offering admission or waitlist. Sorry for S’s rejection. We’re expecting one rejection due to her bombing the audition. Even though she knows it’s coming it will still sting.

I asked my son this morning(on his way to a programming competition) numerous times. He insisted that he chose music and CS separately for his intended majors and didn’t choose this BXA program. I’m not worried about the music part. It’s just the CS part, it’s super competitive especially for Asian males. After reading the information about the BXA program numerous times, I feel more and more hopeful. It’s more attractive than his UW CS DA + violin performance.

My heart stopped last night when I got an email exactly at 6pm from UMiami saying there was an update in Ss canelink account…only to find out they said I was missing a tax form and they need it to make a financial aid decision. One more week!

For all the families who have or are considering financial appeals, how on earth does one go about that? Before this forum I never even knew that was a thing. I’ve read it needs to be a peer school but how can one be certain it’s a peer, or what if the peer is notoriously stingy? I’m just trying to prep my son. I don’t want to have to be the parent that says sorry you worked your butt off to get into your top choices but all except your top choices gave you Top notch scholarships. We were told months ago by admissions that if the numbers didn’t come in where we expected it would be time to have a conversation. How does one even start that conversation? Even the NPC (which I know is not any sort of promise) says he should get top scholarship at a couple schools where he got nowhere near top.

My D did did hear (unfortunately in a negative fashion) from Indiana ~ (quite soon after her audition) ~ so the fact that your son has heard nothing means he is still being considered for acceptance. Although her disappointment was great, she has had some great acceptances and much better auditions since (IU was her 2nd audition and although it went well her auditions were much stronger as her experience with this process increased). The sting is no longer as painful. Just wanted to let you know that no news is in the good news direction of things when it comes to Indiana. Good luck to your S.

@UniversityMomOf2 feel free to PM me and I can tell you how we did our successful appeal to D’s College. We actually appealed twice, both times successfully.

@Lendlees @sunnysar my guess is that you are being held. As you know a percentage of students get accepted within 2 to 3 weeks of auditions since IU will roll acceptances. And it seems that they do send some rejections too as another poster confirmed a rejection. I do know that they hold others until the end. All depts are different. My D did VP which is large and she is a big voiced mezzo…so she got an early acceptance. If you are trying for 2 or 3 spots they may hold all applicants.

My D did audition in their last group for grad school. In that case she knew she’d have to wait until end of March. That was the school that sent the acceptance on the last day at around 5:00 with the money a few hours later.

I think it’s fine to inquire. It’s such a big dept no one will judge or remember. I have heard that some depts will release at different times (bx mid to late March). But I have also heard you can be waiting until the bloody end … and still get positive news. Also money can come late too…just FYI.

AND congrats on all the wonderful news from many of you. So exciting to read.

And just one other comment-since IU has grad students the teachers are trying to figure out how many UG will stay. Of course seniors are waiting on acceptance for grad school. IU will take most of their students with the teacher’s nod. So my D knew she could stay there. But she was waiting on other acceptances which came around this time. So that can be a reason for the delay as well. The nestill 2 weeks will give teachers a better idea of available studio spots.

Thank you @SpartanDrew Sent you a PM.

Hi Lendlees, my son learned he was admitted to Jacobs yesterday by snail mail. My fingers are crossed for your son that he will hear good news ASAP! They indicated that financial info would come between March 28- April 4th in the letter. Crossing my fingers for you guys. This process is BRUTAL!

@Propinquity4444 Ha! D got that same email yesterday and that frantically calling to ask how to get into her Miami portal. And yes. It was a request for yet another tax form. Never ends! Ok, will end. Soon.

I love hearing about all your acceptances and scholarships - it is helping with the wait. Who else is waiting for their FIRST answer besides my daughter??? Sunnysar, Drummerdad? This is not fun. :frowning:

Happy to report that the wait is over at our home. D got an acceptance from Colburn which was her top choice and hence she accepted it. We’re totally done.

Congrats once again to all the positive results and solidarity for the refusals. I hope all gets sorted out on the FA front for all. Wishing all a great weekend filled with joy and more wonderful news!!! All the best.

Now back to the happy dance sequence!!! :slight_smile:

What great news, @HereWeGoAgain2018 . Yes, you sure are done!!! Colburn. WOW! Congratulations to your D and the entire family!!!