Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

McGill asked for S’ grades, so we think that’s a good thing since it happened AFTER the audition. So, I think the schools ask for them vs. auto-magically sending (our school doesn’t use Naviance…they use the old fashioned way)
@sunnysar - maybe contact Jacobs at this point?

@Lendlees well, Eastman asked for S’s, again after the audition, so we’ll see…

@Music2023 Most or all of D’s schools seemed to want a mid-year report. They were usually on the school’s document checklist, and some schools sent reminders in January even before D’s midyear grades were available. D’s school sent the reports to every school on D’s Naviance list. If you’re not sure, I’d check with the admissions office.

@jadedhaven, at least 4 bassoonists in 1 thread. That’s enough for a good-sized bassoon section in an orchestra :slight_smile: I’ve definitely benefited from all the posters who’ve shared their experiences and tips with prescreening video snafus, travel, auditions, scholarships, etc. And I’ve found even more parallels with parents of other wind instrumentalists. It’s really helped to know that I’m not alone with these frustrations and that I’ve already “met” people who’ll continue on this journey with me through next year. Thank you everyone!

Well, as far as admissions go, we are done. I just checked my son’s account (bad mom) for his last school (#2 on his list) and he’s in. 13/13 acceptances (ok, no Julliard, Curtis, or Vanderbilts, etc., but hey! LOL). Considering I seriously wasn’t sure he’d get in anywhere because he has 7 W’s on his transcripts, he took two years off of school and wasn’t even enrolled in the fall, and his current GPA is only 3.54, I’m thrilled. Let’s hear it for talent-based admissions!

Now he can be excited about this last one because I’m guessing there will be a competitive scholarship that will make it affordable (plus Cal Grant and hopefully National Merit reinstatement). If the scholarship is as good as the other schools in this group (State schools), I think he’ll probably decide to attend since it’s a conservatory and he had a really good visit the second time he went.

I think I won’t tell him I know; hopefully, he’ll get notified soon, ha-ha.

Wow, @sbjdorlo!! Jumping up and down for you and talented S!! Can’t wait to hear what he picks.

Congratulations @sbjdorlo this is wonderful! Power of resilience. Kudos to your son

sbjdorlo——— 13/13! Yay!

CaraCoMO——— Welcome back!

About mid-year transcripts——— None of my son’s private conservatories asked but he sent his updated transcripts to all before his auditions because it did improve a little. Those conservatories sound cool with updated transcripts to replace the previous one.

@sbjdorlo We are all over the moon for your talented cellist!! Huge congratulations to both of you.

So happy for your good news @sbjdorlo! What a great outcome!

USC admissions page now indicating that decisions will be mailed on the 21st and portals updated on the 23rd at 5:00 pm PT. Good luck to all the Thornton applicants!

@Lendlees I will contact on Wednesday if there isn’t anything by then. She didn’t audition until March 2nd, although another mom posted their child received acceptance for March 1st audition. Did yours receive an email as well or just snail mail?

@sbjdorlo - a huge congrats!!! Your son has really rallied and pulled the rabbit out of the hat. You must be so excited!!! Looking forward to see where your cellist goes. (and btw, maybe it’s just me, but it seems like there are a fair amount of classical musicians on here).

Hopeful USC parents - only a few more days! Yeahhhhhh!!! Don’t get engrossed in any good articles in the waiting room and miss the notification :slight_smile:

@sbjdorlo Congratulations! 13/13 is a great record!

@AmyIzzy Re work-study. $4,500 is a cap. It could change from year to year. It seems like a big award (maybe not in a good way). My older D had FA packages with work-study on the order of $2,000-$3,000. If your D is going to work part-time anyway, it could be a good deal depending on whether she could get a higher pay rate elsewhere. However, a big chunk of your financial aid would be dependent on her getting out there and working those hours. That could be a lot for a first-year music student who needs time for practice and ensembles.

Work-study is not guaranteed. Students have to find and apply for work-study jobs, although they have priority over non work-study. I have worked in college offices where we hired work-study students first or only.

Here is my one pro tip. There’s a big variety of work-study jobs from the lowly to the interesting. If your D is going to take work-study, it helps to do a little research before arriving on campus to figure out what kind of job she would like and then reaching out to the department. Back in the day when I was a work-study student, I wrote a letter to the library supervisor in the summer before my freshman year, and as a result I got a sweet job working in the library rather than scraping dishes in the cafeteria.

I saw in another thread that someone whose child auditioned at Jacobs in March has heard back from them, so unless all of the studios make decisions at different times, I’m assuming the rest of us should hear back soon. I’ve already inquired once about my admissions decision, - I’m a recorded audition applicant and was told that recorded auditions would be considered around the same time - so I’m hesitant to email again and seem too greedy.

The wait is unbearable at times! It feels like most of the decisions I’ve been looking forward to are set to come out either this weekend or next! :frowning:

I was right about to preserve my daughter’s dorm at Indiana (she was in academically) as we hadn’t heard elsewhere yet for music. As she was picking out her dorm. multiple acceptances came in… suddenly it was a non-issue. This is a crazy process and I thought why doesn’t IU wait until May 1 for dorm deposits?. For what it’s worth she was headed to Hogsworth (living learning) with my blessing despite a lack of air conditioning but on the music school tour (which was great) they told us Forest was… the best… virtual Chitpole nearby w/ Nice rooms in a renovated dorm and close to Jacobs!

We heard from Bard and Eastman in one night… IN ON BOTH!! 4 MORE TO GO!!.. she was given admit to Bard financial yet to come… Eastman gave some…

@mperrine that is fantastic! Congrats to everyone who has received all these fantastic acceptances! And if you didn’t get in, don’t worry, your not alone ;).
@tripletmama I’m somewhat confused about SFCM…I heard back from SFCM on the 15, and I am an undergraduate student…perhaps they released undergraduate results for piano performance? The only other thing I can think of is that the professor whose studio I got into usually only takes grad students so maybe thats why they released my decision then?

Anyways, I can check 1 school off of my list (at last!) 9 more to go…

Congrats @mperrine and your D on Bard and Eastman!

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@mperrine, huge congratulations!!! My son has several friends that he’s played with in his orchestra who did their u/g at Eastman. One of them is at CIM for grad school. Eastman and Bard are outstanding schools for outstanding musicians!

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