Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Thanks for all the kind words and support, all. I so appreciate it and this group!!

@sunnysar - S is not the best on checking email, but I did sneak a look at his email account this morning and didn’t see anything from Jacobs there - and I remember them saying they ‘send’ results. So look for a snail mail response. It came in a ‘big’ envelope (anyone here remember that was the way we could tell acceptances back in the dark ages?).

Wow - I almost can’t keep up with the fast and furious admissions that are flying in this evening! Congrats to all…and @sbjdorlo - it must be such a relief in knowing that your S has finally found his way - not everyone takes a straight path and usually things really happen for a reason.

@Choirsong - it does seem odd that Indiana doesn’t wait on dorms like the rest of the schools. Smart of you to reserve!

congratulations @sbjdorlo!

Son heard from Bard today (since he’s a jazz drummer, that’s Bard College not Bard Conservatory): accepted. Yay!!

They offered a nice scholarship, which is definitely appreciated. At the same time, there’s still a non-trivial chunk of money we’d be expected to pay (pretty sure it’s more than our EFC per FAFSA or CSS-profile). More importantly, while Bard is an excellent school in general and has a very good jazz drummer on faculty, it was a non-audition admit and he’d have to audition into the jazz major once enrolled there, so other schools – all the ones at which he did audition – are higher on the list.

Still, it’s the first official admission to a school where he’d be able to study jazz, so that’s a good thing. (Loyola Marymount accepted him previously, but as a marketing major since they have no jazz program). Next up for us: Thornton and Frost this coming weekend!!!

Congrats to @mperrine and everyone else who’ve also heard good news.

@mperrine WOOOOO HOOOOO! I never doubted your D would dominate but great to hear it has begun!! Congrats to all!

@WestOfPCH Glad to hear about Bard, too! Onwards and upwards!

@mperrine this is wonderful news!! Bard and Eastman are amazing. Congratulations

@mperrine and @WestOfPCH congarats to both on Bard and @mperrine congrats on Eastman too!

Congrats @Lyoder2051 !!

@mperrine how did you hear from Eastman? Inquiring minds are climbing the wallls… ?

Great news! We just found out my daughter was accepted into the Jazz Department at CCNY (City College.) She actually received the email at 3pm yesterday but her phone had issues all day yesterday and “froze” around 2pm. It had to be rebooted overnight so she didn’t see the email until 6am. It was contingent upon academic entrance into the college (which was delayed due to those 2 missing items which they now have) but her stats are above the averages they report so she should be fine. City College is located in Harlem so she loves the area and had a good vibe when we did our tour last year. It’s a beautiful college-the architecture is incredible. She enjoyed the class she sat in on and connected well with the faculty who ran the audition. Plus, we get the state tuition rate which is a huge plus! She still has no order of preference for her college list (claims to like them all) but glad to have nice options like this one.

So one more down, still waiting on 3 (Calarts, Frost, & New School.)

Also wanted to add we loved watching Whiplash. Definitely over the top and I’m sure much of it exaggerated for great drama effect. My daughter said one of her jazz music teachers had a similar personality and threw a chair once but not AT a student. Lol.

And congrats on these newest acceptances and scholarships! Going to be a busy week here!

@AmyIzzy that’s amazing!!! Great great school (my dad went there)! Your D has some amazing options!

@Choirsong Indiana doesn’t wait until May 1st? I didn’t really look into that which, in hindsight, was probably a mistake. I thought most colleges and universities did wait until May 1st on the deposit.

No dorm choice has been an option for students academically accepted since February1 ~ you need to put down 200 dollars for 3 dorm choices and then lose it if you end up. not attending ~ you are not saying you will attend when doing this ~that is a different fee:)lol.

@Music2023 We got a mid-year transcript request from USC on Jan 15, but it was so early in the process I assume it was something sent to everyone complete the file before review of the application, and not an indication of acceptance/rejection.

@sbjdorlo That’s fantastic news. Given the challenges, I can only imagine how awesome it must feel for your son to be accepted and welcomed. His time to thrive! :slight_smile:

@Lyoder2051 You’re probably right that you got notified along with the grad student group. If I was SFCM, I’d send you acceptance out early as well, just praying you decide to join :slight_smile:

@lendlees My son received a snail mail acceptance to Jacobs. I’m confused about the portal situation. His IU portal said he was accepted when the University accepted him prior to his March 1st audition and it was unchanged when the Jacobs mail came. I haven’t asked S to check if there is a separate portal for Jacobs. Does anyone know? I didn’t want to bother him since he is so overwhelmed with catch-up school work from auditions and he also got a concussion in the middle of it all. I don’t see any harm in reaching out to Jacobs admissions at this point. Do other more experienced parents think that could adversely affect them in any way? This process is as, or perhaps, even more challenging for us parents. Any information that we can get to ease the process is a blessing!

I just laugh when I think of the polar vortex in Michigan and the concussion in Indiana. It’s like they and we are being tested…Are you sure you want this path? Are you sure? Yup.

Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories. My son and husbands’ methods of coping are to “not think about it,” and that is just not an option for me! You lovely people are keeping me sane(ish.)

@OnTheJourney19 - I think the IU portal is totally separate from anything at Jacobs. My kid mentioned that IU portal was super confusing and not very helpful and had nothing from Jacobs on it. The acceptance process is also completely separate (and, so it seems is scholarship $$).

Wow, adding a concussion to the mix. You are surely being tested and have succeeded! Hope your S gets better soon.

@OnTheJourney19 - ditto to the above. If you have a snail mail acceptance to Jacobs with no change to the University portal, I would NOT worry about that at all. It’s been too many years for me to remember precisely…but the comment above is correct that it’s a separate process. If you are still concerned, just call the music administration and ask (with money and acceptance issues which could roll downhill and hit your finances, I think it’s fine for a parent to call).

I hear the mail truck on the other side of the street. If there’s nothing from Jacobs, I will call the school. Sure do hope it’s there!

I just want to say that I have called Jacobs twice because my daughter got overwhelmed and lost track of who was doing what when. The lady that answered the phone was EXTREMELY kind and helpful, and we did not hurt D’s chances by calling and annoying them, as she is in there. I would call if there is any confusion.