Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@sunnysar my son auditioned on two instruments, and at one school acceptances came three weeks apart, even though he auditioned on both instruments on the same day. I don’t know if there’s any sort of general observation to be made, but at least in his case, there were different notification timelines for differentt Instruments.

And seriously, my kid didn’t even apply to Miami or USC and and I can’t wait to hear about the green dots and white boxes! Hope you all get good news!

Here’s a funny little story to lighten the mood.

An hour ago, I was literally typing a post here to complain about my son because he hadn’t responded to an email from the head of the strings department of his #1 school that he got 5 days ago that said to get in touch with him ASAP.

In walks my son while I’m typing and says, “Ok, can you type while I dictate what to say (basically he needs way more money to go there but he wasn’t sure how to say it)?” and he promptly sent out the email.

Good thing he didn’t see my computer screen! LOL

Ok, now back to your regularly scheduled program of climbing the walls! :slight_smile:

Wow! So much happening today. Congrats on more scholarships, acceptances, praying for more tomorrow as we wait with baited breath to find out each of your results.

Apparently my son’s band director got on my husband last night. DH is on the Booster Board for band. Last night was a meeting. In the band room, the director hangs pennants from colleges that his students go to. They go all the way around the very large room. There are obviously repeats, a few being extremely common. His was laying heavy pressure onto DH about where is S going to go? Does he at least have all his choices in order as he waits for replies? Then he finished it by saying “I would really like to hang a pennant in here for him that I don’t already have”, basically saying he was hoping for one of 3 schools. It was nice that he was excited for S and as anxious as we are. DH said he seemed very happy for S with where he got admitted.

We are still waiting on financial aid for one school, and he still has an audition on Monday for a music scholarship at one of the more affordable schools. We managed to find our aid package on line without having been notified at all. It was a second one that was just not good and out of the running on price. But, I am hoping he will make his commitment known to us next week. We shall see.

I guess I’m gifted in observation. When they first reported the college admission scandals and showed Felicity Huffman’s pictures on TV, I immediately remembered her playing a minor role in an old sitcom “Frasier”.

@pdxtigermom - I remember (once I saw the clip) of a scene from Desperate Housewives when Lynette was trying to get her kids (the twins I think) into a private pre-school and she told her husband on the program that they needed to give the school “$15k” to get them in. Funny thing is that’s what she paid for the SAT doctoring for her daughter. I just read an article that confirms (from the transcripts of phone calls that her daughter did not know that her SAT was fixed. As I mentioned on this board, she is a lovely girl - very honest and by the book, so I can only imagine how horrified she is. She wanted to go to USC for Film - but she won’t be getting a white box tomorrow. I have to say, that I feel very sorry for her. She came to school all this week despite the chaos in her world right now.

@sbjdorlo - that’s too funny about your son. That sounds exactly like our pilot daughter - she keeps asking me to type things for her (I know I’m a fast typer - but I’m not her personal assistant - but at least it gets done!) They seem to be on a different timeline than us…

@WestofPCH - I’d say that the NYU thing is a very positive sign!

I am beyond excited for all of your news tomorrow!

@tripletmama wasn’t she aware that her fixed SAT was much higher than she expected?

Still no admission notice for university of miami overnight. Anyone get anything? Anyone no where the decision will be. I am looking in cane link.

Holding my breath along with all of you. My junior daughter just laughs at me and rolls her eyes. “Oh, mom. Not the boards AGAIN!” Lol. My husband also thinks I’m a bit odd when I tell him excitedly about acceptances rolling in for your (our!) kids. Thank you for sharing your stories, and know that you have ‘friends’ cheering you on from far and wide!

Hahaha @mom2clarinetobsessedkid my family thinks I’m nuts too but I’ve met some people on this board who have become very good friends to me now so I’m so grateful. And for others going through this process and paying big bucks to a consultant to help, I got everything we needed to get D a giant scholarship at her perfect school right here in this board!!

And @sbjdorlo I had almost the exact same convo with my son who is headed to grad school. He is finally taking way more initiative on emails like that and sees that GEE- they actually result in communication and action. Ya think?! Lol

And like the rest of you, I doing even have a kid in the game this year and I’m anxiously watching and waiting for great news for all of your kids, especially those waiting for green circles and white boxes. Can’t wait to watch the board blow up with news today!!! Glad I just have a couple Of conference calls today. :slight_smile:

OK-I need help.

S just got an email from a top choice school saying that since he had been approved for a top scholarship (we don’t know how much), they needed to know whether he was coming to the school. While S is leaning toward the school, he has one more to visit. In addition, it would be nice to have the full scholarship info before committing.

We are thinking of honestly saying that it his my current plan to enroll, but that that he is waiting for some additional information from the school (true) and wants to complete on last visit (to be sure) before committing. Does this sound OK-or does anyone have a better suggestion. I know that this is a high class problem.


@PAPDAD congrats! It is an awesome problem!

But it seems totally unreasonable to ask for a commitment without putting numbers on the table.

The language S has used is “While [school] is a top choice, finances must play a role in my final decision. I will move forward as soon as I have information on the cost of attendance.” Or something similar. I wouldn’t mention the other visit – not their business.

It makes me really uncomfortable to be rushed after waiting so long for a decision! Believe me we’d like to get this over with too :open_mouth:

@PAPDAD I think the school owes it to you and your son to tell you the amount of the scholarship before you commit. (Imagine an employer asking you to accept a job offer without telling you what the salary will be.) Is it possible that the school believes that the amount of scholarship is implied? Have you called the FA office to inquire?

@PAPDAD My $.02 is that the school has no business pressuring you to make a decision until May 1. On several tours we went on schools were clear that no student should be forced to make a decision until May 1 and schools had no right to demand a decision earlier. Frankly, I am surprised that the school is making such a demand on your family. I think your approach - which is honest is the best. Tell them you need to weigh your options, including the financial impact on the family before making a final decision. Best of luck with your wonderful problem!

@PAPDAD Congratulations and above advice sounds great.

Good luck to everyone waiting on big news today! We’re all cheering for you and your kids! All the best

@PAPDAD , your planned reply is eminently reasonable.

I asked this question earlier today but received no reply. It is my understanding the Frost admissions come out today. Can someone please comment about their method of notification. Does anyone know if we will get notification by email when acceptance comes out or if we should keep checking portal. I have been checking all night. Where in the UM website might admission notices be? Any updates? Sometimes since I don’t normally speak up on these threads I feel invisible when I do post because not one responds. I am probably not alone in this. Please assist if you no something about frost.

@PAPDAD During one of our music school audition days, the dean was adamant we know that the rule for accredited music schools is April 1st to notify of acceptance, rejection and May 1st to commit. He cautioned us to not let schools pressure our kids into making a decision before then. While I understand them wanting to give it to the next person in line your S has every right to wait. Not to mention, how can he commit without even knowing the value of the “top scholarship” and has it in writing.

@jacole My understanding is that the portal will update with your status today. And that they send a message within the portal letting you know when the status is updated. And from past experience, they send an email to the address on file when they send you a message in the portal so you know to look there. That’s how it worked for us earlier this year when her application went through.

Hi @jacole, I have no firsthand experience but this thread from last year might be helpful! Sounds like people got admissions in the evening through the message center on the portal.

Hope you get good news very soon!

@jacole I wish I could help. I wonder if you use the search engine, typing in Frost Acceptance you might find info from previous years. I’ve read a lot about green dots, and hoping for everyone that means good news. There’s also a post from two days ago that links to last years thread of parents in the same boat that might answer your question. I think the parents who have already been through this don’t check in very often. Good Luck! It’s almost over!