Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@PAPDAD - I agree with the advice above but I think you’ll get more info and have a better outcome if you (not your student) make a call to the person who sent your son the email. At the very, very least they should share the range of the scholarship being offered. If asked, be positive about the school and be honest about where your son is at in the process. This will also buy you some time.

Thanks I have green dot, not at all clear that everyone doesn’t have green dot! Will check back but wondering about current info since some people have been posting that decisions come out today and I am not sure where that rumor started

Thanks @akapiratequeen . Very helpful.

Thanks @DrummerDad18. I think I can go on with my day now

My daughter just texted me saying that Rice will release decisions 3/26 by 5PM if any others are waiting … ugh

I’m wigging out waiting for Oberlin to release decisions later today, ugh. I’m glad I can come to this thread and find other people who are practically bouncing off of the walls waiting. I know I’m naturally an impatient person, but it feels like it’s been so long! :frowning:

Me too, @mom2clarinetobsessedkid! At this point, my junior S and DH just pretend to be listening to my relaying everyone’s experiences here. Ha! They don’t realize how beneficial all this “research” is for us. They’ll thank me (or maybe not) when we have to go through all of this excitement/madness ourselves in just a few months with prescreening videos. Yikes!

Good luck everyone!!!

@Busy_Momma I found that it made me more confident in the advice I told her and I didn’t feel like a deer caught in the headlights. I kind of knew a direction… I knew what to expect. I found this group 2 years ago, when my D was a Freshman. My Son was applying for college (not in music but CS and Engineering) and I wanted to find out about the colleges he got into and make a somewhat informed decision. That is when my D said that music was the only thing she wanted to do… and after the Tanglewood BUTI admit 2 years in a row … I thought well maybe she has a shot.

So I started researching what we needed to do to get into a conservatory. My oldest D was recruited to D1 school for Women’s crew, so I expected all these NCAA rules to apply here… Imagine my surprise that there are NO rules!! Then comes the research to which is best for Horn. That was a bit trickier as there are a few horn parents on here but not too many. Then we took lessons from as many of the good ones as we could and this was her Junior year… so much to know… here we are now waiting I will say that we took lessons with people that I felt were way beyond her level… and to my surprise they were the nicest most down to earth souls… Especially the Colburn coach. while she applied to Colburn and didn’t get past the prescreen those lessons from him were beyond valuable. Yes they were expensive… but it took her playing to a new level and taught her some skills that made her stand out from others during this admission process. Her low register was always a bit iffy… most HS horn players that go on to college are usually principal and get the higher parts…and he helped her work on that low stuff and then she worked hard on it … and I am so proud of all the comments she got from Horn coaches saying that her lower register was strong. My point is start now… take lessons … work on those weaknesses… make them strengths… stand out…

Hopefully we will have good news this next week and she will get into her top choices, but even if she doesn’t she will be somewhere that has a solid music program thanks to you all. There is more than one way to get to that final goal line and determination is key.

Congratulations to all of you receiving good news recently. For those who received or/are receiving rejections or deferrals, heads up! You have extraordinary talent or very talented children just by reaching this point in your auditions. When is all said and done you will be all winners by enduring and experiencing this process. You or your children will end up where they are supposed to be at this time. This is not a sprint race. It’s a marathon and you are all barely warming up. Good luck in the upcoming week for those awaiting decisions and keep in mind that a “no” today may open another door that may end up being a blessing in the long run.

@jacole last year there was a glitch in the portal (to our advantage) and portals were updated the day before decisions were released. They were released a year ago today and started with updates to the portal and Canelink around 11am and went on throughout the day. I think it was much later that evening that financials showed up. I’m sure I was deep into a bottle of wine by then lol. D didn’t get an actual email to check her Canelink message center until Monday but we already knew everything by then so it was anti-climactic. Good luck!!

@spartandrew… Wow no email to let her know her decision was in her portal until after the weekend? Ugh my daughter is on a music trip to Disney and I have no access to her portal but do have access to her email… Figured that would tell me as soon as it was up… guess I will just be following along here all day climbing the walls w/ everyone else. Initially I told her not to look and enjoy the trip but she quickly vetoed that idea:) and imagine my distress… I can’t even check for a green dot~ lol! Thx for all the info and @coluraturadad your post was timely and well received! (my daughter started this BM in vocal performance idea oh in late November early /December 2018… nuf said) My rapid research on this thread (despite advice that I needed a paid music counselor ASAP which I refused to do and who am I kidding they were all booked anyway) has saved my daughter~ my thanks to you all, your help thru this thread has not been unappreciated or unnoticed!And it turns out she has quite a few choices which I will post about as soon as we hear from Umiami! One thing that kept me going was bridgenail’s comment… if you are getting pre-screenings you will get in somewhere!!! Reassured me as I was traveling all over wondering if this exhilarating process (!) was all for naught (I hoped my daughter wasn’t the exception to bridgenail’s comment and fortunately she was not) No matter what the outcome today, it has a been an amazing learning experience and for this mom anyway it turned out to be a great ride with wonderful quality time w/ my girl before she launches (somewhere) this fall.

Well said @Choirsong – it’s been a great ride for this mom too. I never would have guessed when I first logged on last year that he could have these amazing financial and academic choices.

@akapiratequeen ~ your son sounds amazing. If he ends up at Syracuse w/ my daughter? I will get to hear him play!! you are the researching mom I would have emulated~ had I had the time:)

Good luck to everyone waiting for results today! We have one more to go (NEC) but I don’t expect that will happen until next week. By the way, has anyone who applied to Baldwin Wallace received an aid package yet? Crossing fingers for all the musicians waiting for results!!

My son is green dot-less and I am annoying myself with how obsessively I’m checking the portal. Also waiting for financials from Indiana and Michigan in the next week or so…
I am kicking myself out the door to go to the gym! Hopefully I will be a more normal person when I return. I’m guessing this is that last vestige of being this involved in his life. I know that I have a lot of letting go to do as he leaves the nest.
Sending good vibes to everyone waiting for decisions! May the odds be ever in your favor!

@oboeboy1917 I’m wigging about Oberlin too! My daughter auditioned there 2/16 (voice) - this has been a long time to wait!!

@sssulliv @oboeboy1917 Looks like just another 5 hours or so for Oberlin to update app status :slight_smile:

@oboeboy1917 and @sssulliv, my D and I are going out of our minds waiting for the Oberlin decision too…She auditioned 2/2 for voice and the waiting has been so tough…

No Oberlin or Frost for us, but I am in the same boat watching the clock slowly tick for that UCLA decision at 8pm Eastern time. . . .

@dsinha @NaariyalAmma - Unfortunately my daughter has musical rehearsal tonight till probably 10PM (eastern) so it will be a while before I see those results. I don’t have access to any of her portals.

@lkbux64 - 8PM - CRUEL! lol.