Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@OnTheJourney19 Hi, it was a separate email that came right after the admission email titled “financial aid award”. Hope that helps.

@OnTheJourney19 Music Scholarship letter was in the message center along with admission letter

Also adding that Frost Music Scholarship was Presidential and for Music Business & Entertainment Industry major. He auditioned in NYC and we have never been to the campus yet. We will visiting soon!

I was rejected from Oberlin. I’m feeling really discouraged. :frowning:

My D lost them and her other top pick, both in the same hour. It’s rough, but you’re in good company. Hang in there.

@oboeboy1917 and @cellistmadre - I’m so sorry. Hang in there - I hope that another even better door opens - and in the meantime, big virtual hugs coming your way.

My D was rejected as well and it is extremely discouraging. I wish I could know the reasons for decision for her to get closure and enable her to move on. She felt she had a strong audition and is academically very strong.

Seems like an inordinate amount of Oberlin rejects this year…just an observation. I would bet that there have been a lot more applicants than in years past. (I don’t feel so badly that my daughter ignored my advice to apply).

So sorry @oboeboy1917 @cellistamadre @NaariyalAmma and others with bad news from Oberlin. (Our S was waitlisted at the Conservatory). We were told that they had a huge class of 2022 (for them), which probably meant they accepted a smaller than usual group this year. Last year’s class was 164 students while the previous class was only 120. Classes before that were 139, 118 and 125. Don’t know if that will make your kids feel better or worse but if may be an explanation. Afraid the same thing is true at USC—word from the school is that they accepted fewer students this year because their class of 2022 is very large, although I’m not sure if that will affect Thornton.

I was going to say the same thing jazzboydad. Often there are reasons for rejection that have nothing to do with talent, and this is one of them. I heard BoCo overenrolled, at least for composition, in recent years and is cutting down, as well. Sometimes there just aren’t openings.

My sincere sympathies for the rejection news. Completely agree with jazzboydad and compmom. I wish schools would be more open and publish their available number of seats for each instrument, voice etc and then everyone could make their application decisions accordingly.

The way the current process works makes for these disappointments. You’re essentially shooting darts in the dark and the board shrinks or moves each year without notice…

My best wishes for better news to come your way very soon.

Thanks for the kind words. I also got rejected from Boston University, and I’m suspecting it may have something to do with the fact that my financial aid application there wasn’t entirely complete because my lack of information about my father’s whereabouts and financial status made it difficult to get all of the required documents. Oh well. I’m holding out hope for CMU. I’m into the music program, but I find out next Saturday if I’m accepted at the whole school.

Thank you @jazzboydad and @compmom and @tripletmama It is comforting to understand the context of these decisions to put things into perspective. Congratulations to everyone who got good news and hugs for everyone else.

Sorry to hear about Oberlin and BU. This is the part that sucks — talented kids getting rejected for reasons that are probably completely outside their control. I also wish the schools were more transparent. I know each of you (or your kids) will land in an amazing place, but right now it’s just painful. Hugs to all.

@akapiratequeen — what a lovely message from the guidance counselor. Wish all students everywhere lots of kindness in their lives!

Bear with me, because I’m only up to message #3105 but I want to congratulate everyone and sympathize with those who didn’t get good news! Living along with you all, even if a day behind!

@LaurelVDW — congrats on the many good acceptances and this waitlist news today!

@Lyoder251 — sorry you did not get the news you wanted from Thornton. Good luck with the next round of decisions from UCLA!

@dsinha — congrats on your D’s admission to Frost!
@DrummerDad18 — and congrats to your family, as well!

@highnotes18 — and your D on acceptance to VP major at Frost with a full-ride Scholarship!

@Propinquity4444 — and to your S (at Frost)!

More later!! I have to catch up!
All best to everyone!

I have a package from USC in my informed delivery today. I usually receive the email around 8 but today I just went on my dashboard and checked.

Thanks @Bay Area Mom 2017 and @Propinquity 4444.

Yay @pdxtigermom! My son also has a package on the way from USC but with the message “Delivery Date Unknown,” So, he will get his news via portal tonight. I’m happy for him; he was quite disappointed by the UCLA waitlist decision last night.

@Ikbux64 I have to thank you! I saw your post and it was too early to receive the email so I just went on to the dashboard and found the package!

Message #2 —responses to all your news!

@highnotes2018 — Congratulations on your D’s acceptance to VP at Northwestern. Your D must be so happy with both these acceptances coming in!

@Percussionmama— great news for your D at Frost!

@dsinha — congrats anyways on the wait list at Oberlin! It must mean they would take your musician if they had room!

@HereWeGoAgain2018 — congrats on the NEC admit!

@TxSker —congratulations on your S’s Oberlin admit with merit aid!

@sssulliv— sorry about Oberlin; sounds like you’ll have other more affordable options!

@leejay22 — sounds like you and your S have a great attitude; sorry about the not-so-great news! Here’s to acceptance in a town with a Chick-Fil-A!

@jazzboydad—great news on acceptances! Hope the wait list keeps moving so your S can get into the Con at Oberlin, too!

@mperrine— sorry about the no from NEC; good to think the process is almost over, though!

@AmyIzzy—sorry about the (possibly) negative news from Frost, but great to think of all the other acceptances—you can take this one in stride!

@MeritHopful—wow, great news on your daughter’s admit to BME at Frost after you all had not expected it anymore. You’re in for the roller coaster on decisions, I bet! A question: does your D want to teach in Florida, or do you feel it matters where she’ll do her music Ed degree?

@Bay Area Mom 2016 — wow, congrats on your D’s admit to Frost with great merit. You all must be elated!

I’m up to message #3150 posted at 7 pm last night. I’ll keep reading!

My D returned from her camping/hiking trip to a merit award from Baldwin Wallace. She was accepted there for VP or cello, but this award is for cello only. It’s definitely decision time as she got into Lawrence earlier only in VP (not cello)!