Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@calican Thornton updates portal tomorrow (Saturday) 3/23. Acceptance letters went out yesterday in the mail.

@PercussionMama he said it would be probably till the end of next week.

Accepted UCLA! Full tuition scholarship, Ill have to pay 4k a year ?. To those who didnt get in, remember this is honestly a crapshot…I dont think I got into thornton, which is honestly pretty similair. Last year when I applied as a history major I was waitlisted. So dont worry, youll end up where you belong!

@dsinha I know…I just have not seen anyone on here talking about Thornton acceptance so I was wondering if anyone knows they are in yet.

@Lyoder2051 wow! Awesome!

Such great news @Lyoder2051! Son claimed his spot on the UCLA waitlist,

@Lyoder2051 great news!!! Congratulations

My D got into UCLA!!! We can hardly breathe around here, we can’t stop crying. This is just too much.

@Lyoder2051 congrats!!! Maybe they will be there together!

Haha that would be great!

@Lyoder2051 wow! Congrats! Well deserved! And @BayAreaMom2016 great news! Kudos to your D on the admits!

@BayAreaMom2016 terrific!!! Congratulations

LA bound Team CC is growing!!! Way to go!

Congrats @BayAreaMom2016 – great day for your daughter!

Kudos to all of you reporting great admissions and financial awards! I really love hearing about all the music successes. And also kudos to all of you reporting rejections and waitlists! Seriously. I don’t know any musician who applied to a range of competitive music programs and who was admitted to all of them. But if people only report the acceptances, everyone who is also getting rejections and waitlists can feel like they’re the only one who is experiencing setbacks too. When, in fact, everyone is.

Our musicians are so talented and dedicated to a mission that is so important to our lives and culture. They will find the places where they were meant to be. Places where they will thrive with enough inner drive and hard work. I really do believe that. A rejection just means it wasn’t meant to be. A waitlist may be an opportunity that eventually comes through, or may also be another place that wasn’t meant to be. And both can make the final decision easier by narrowing the field.

As I’ve posted before, and others have as well, most professional musicians encounter a lot of rejection in the real world. It’s the ability to move past the rejections and embrace the opportunities that leads to success.

My best to all of you in the month ahead, after the schools have made their decisions and you and your students get to make your decisions.

What a nice, and needed, post jazzpianodad.

Thank you @jazzpianodad for a wonderful post. Couldn’t agree more.

Bravo @jazzpianodad and I echo your sentiments. Each kid here has a talent and a niche and they will find their way. And it may not be the conventional way or even the way you expected. But they will thrive and grow where they land. D didn’t end up anywhere we ever expected yet it’s truly the perfect place for her! And while she wasn’t rejected at her top choice, an admission to a top $$$ school with a paltry Merit amount can be almost the same as a rejection, maybe even worse. Fortunately she shook it off and moved onto the next where she landed and is thrilled to be there with some amazing musicians. Trust that your kid will land where they will thrive. And if they don’t they will figure out where they need to be and eventually land there. Congrats to all for all of your results!

@Lyoder2051 - So happy for you!!!

Sounds like a lot of your kids are going to be studying at the beach on both coasts! Congrats to all.

@jazzpianodad Thank you so much for that great post. It’s so true and I really think all these amazing kids will end up where they are meant to be. It’s been great having the ‘veterans’ checking in and giving us encouragement as well as all us current families supporting each other. Still more schools to hear from and then April Angst!

Congrats @DrummerDad18 @highnotes2018 and @jazzboydad on the Frost admissions and scholarships!
S got accepted to Frost, but sadly no mention of merit scholarship. And financial letter offering very minimal assistance. Where did they announce your kiddos’ merit money? I am 99% sure it would have been obvious from either the admission or financial letters, but it would help to hear from you for sure, so I don’t obsess until I can call Frost on Monday.

No way we can afford to send him without any merit $. Has anyone been able to successfully appeal for a substantial amount of money when a program offered zilch to begin with?

Sending hugs to all of you dear musicians and parents out there with good or hard news tonight.