Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@pdxtigermom Congrats to your S! I hope you’re right!! I really liked CMU.

D just checked BU and it is a yes… 2 more to go and now we have 3 choices … yay!!

@mperrine so exciting! Congrats! What are you waiting on?

@akapiratequeen we are still waiting on Rice(3/26) and Vanderbilt(4/1)

@mperrine Congratulations! Great news!!!

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Oh and btw those are her 1 and 2 choices… of course they come last

@“Pikachu’s Mom” my S also auditioned on both voice and cello (music ed) He has so far refused to pick a favorite between the two which has complicated this whole process. He’s been admitted on both at all schools but that’s not the end of things. One school is pushing him to pick one, as he can’t study both, another will likely require him to have a primary and secondary instrument, and another one has told us they have one music student studying two instruments and making it work. The last school actually has a plan in writing for what he wants to do, but is the most expensive at the moment. And he’s in his school musical and has no time to think. Decision will be down to the wire.

Congratulations to all of you with great news! It’s been a busy few days on this thread and I’m looking forward to hearing what neat places everyone ends up.

My son’s white box has arrived from USC Thornton – admitted!

@lkbux64 awesome news!!

@akapiratequeen thank you for those kind words. Out of all the proud moments I’ve had throughout this journey, the way she handled that setback was one of my proudest. It makes me feel a little more at ease sending her down a musician’s path which is often filled with uncertainly and challenges. She’s got this!

We are down to the last one: New School which should be Monday. Then decision time! I’m excited but dreading this-it won’t be easy for her!

All - congrats to all the acceptances. Condolences for the rejections. But it seems that everyone has heard some good news and all will find there own amazing place.

As for us - our heads are spinning. We just received the USC acceptance. Lots of great choices for D. Lots of champagne for M and D!

D just got the white box from Thornton! She is beyond thrilled. Did anyone else who got in receive any information on scholarships? We are in Lancaster CA.

Hello all!
Pleased to announce I just got my NEC letter in the mail…accepted!

A quick update on thornton…it turns out that said professor stated that my name was on the accepted list so maybe there was some confusion? Anyways I guess I will find out if I am a history or music major at 5. Not to say it matters bc I need a big grant to make USC affordable…seems Im not getting that.


Rough weekend here. But switching gears, has anyone who applied heard from FSU?

@lkbux64 how cool is that! All the hard work paid off :slight_smile: congrats! I’m on a ski trip, so dunno, but my son and I have reconciled to Berklee, so at least a reject won’t sting too bad.

@leejay22 sorry to hear this! Sending good vibes for better days ahead.

Ok, not sure this link will come through, but I thought a little humor was in order to help alleviate the stress of admissions, decisions, denials, scholarships, and everything else.

@mperrine - Murphy’s Law that her top 2 are the last to notify!!! Oh my! I’m curious - what school(s) were the last to notify last year? Our daughter still only has 1 decision (without financial info) - with 3 to go hopefully this next week. I need some Xanax!

Congrats to all the USC admits. You should have a Parent’s Day meet-up!! If I’m in LA, I hope I can come, too.

@oboeboy1917 - congrats on CMU!!! What an amazing place!!!

I’m trying to get more info. on NEC if anyone has any. Nada on either email, portal, informed delivery or in the mail. I did find out that Contemporary Improv musician found out about NEC via email yesterday. Seems like classical is out. What about jazz? Anyone hear about jazz and if so, where did it arrive? Mail, email? And AmyIzzy - My daughter just reminded me that she really likes an instructor at NEC (he is friends with her instructor in LA as the used to play together). I told her to ask her instructor to call his old buddy (they are both 82 years old) but I don’t think she did. Nor did she respond to her last email from NEC as to who she would like to study with. I hope that doesn’t hurt her chances for an admit - so your post helped me - thanks for that. I won’t yell at her too much. I do think that kids this age really don’t understand how much personal contact and connections mean in this world - hopefully they learn.

Sad news for my daughter from Umiami yesterday but a happy end to this road is finally in site. Out of the 10 schools she applied to she now knows she has been accepted to 5 and is waiting to here from 1 more. From what I have learned from all of you as a parent coming very late to this application process: 1) if you aren’t able to attend/afford a summer music institute(or don’t even know to do so:) definitely attend one of the shorter audition practice “camps” offered at colleges that I first learned about here - that would have been such a confidence building experience for my daughter 2) if you have time for a practice lesson at anytime prior to your audition take the time to do it - we had a late start and her heavy academic/sports/music schedule back home prohibited longer visits at schools 3) if you are planning to do this audition process do not encourage your child to take 3 AP’s senior year as it adds too much stress to the winter/spring of senior year and imho negatively impacts learning ~ your child “can” do it but really assess whether they “need” to 4) Apply to a lot of schools so you have the potential for a lot of choices as music programs are surprisingly small (who knew?) and the kids who apply quite gifted. We went from an original plan of 12 schools for anthropology to 19 after she decided music is what she wanted (and more importantly learned where the better programs were from this board) Although it was expensive to both audition at 7 schools in person w/ 3 video auditions, it allowed her more choices in the end) 5) this thread is great and allowed my daughter to get into some great schools that she never would have applied to had her mom not had access to the “best” music parents ever on this site. My D can’t wait to commit to Setnor as soon as she returns from her music trip and after one more “required” visit to SU before we put the deposit down~ so happy for her and everyone else’s kids as they find there “home” for the fall! This process definitely helps with learning how to deal w/ rejection all while keeping the end goal in site. I am so proud of my D for developing that now very strong “muscle” as well as her perseverance in achieving her goals. I never would have done this if she hadn’t convinced me this was the right path for her even though there was some age appropriate wandering before we found ourselves on this “yellow brick road!”