Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Thank you @sbjdorlo I love that link. Will show S later.

To those whove been having a rough week, I feel you. Last year when I applied I was rejected by 2/3 of the schools I applied to.

Also wanted to add I have my final update on thornton…turns out said professor was right and I was admitted, although as I had figured, probably no to little merit aid, (probably) making USC to expensive. Nevertheless, glad to have got in as it was apparently a super tough year for piano undegrad.

Nope. Reject from USC.

After waiting 3 months for any movement, it’s all happening at once!

Today we got a pleasant surprise in the form of a “white box” from USC for Popular Music.
My D is in NYC at MSM all day, so the box is sitting here un-opened.
But the portal updated an hour ahead of schedule and it’s official.

Scholarship info (if any) comes a few days later I’m told.
But given she applied for Pop at USC (vs jazz at Frost), it’s very very unlikely there will be any merit $$.
And while her academics are decent, they aren’t exceptional by USC standards at all.

This was a real long shot for her, as the program is tiny, and well named because it certainly attracts a lot of apps. So she’s feeling great about the recognition, regardless of where she decides to go.
And as a parent it’s good to see there’s a way into USC that doesn’t involve pretending to play water polo.
It just takes about 10,000 hours of practice lol.

That’s 3 down, 1 to go and we’ll be done.
Word is New School should be sometime this week, maybe even Monday?

Anyway, congrats again to all of you getting good news this weekend.
And to those of you getting less than good news, remember even Mount Everest has more than one route to the top.

@DrummerDad18 !!! YAYYYYYY!!! Been waiting and thinking about your d all day! CONGRATS! If she has any USC questions let me know and I will have my son reach out to her! Congrats again!

@astute12 Thanks so much! And I’m certain she will take your son up on that. She knows relatively little about the inner workings of the program relative to how familiar she is with how Frost Jazz works.

D accepted at BU and Thornton! We’re very excited!

I’ve been trying to keep up with the thread yesterday and today with so many decisions coming out. Cheers for everyone who got the decisions they were hoping for and hugs to everyone who had disappointing results. Others have said it more eloquently than I can, but I know that there is a path forward for all of our amazing kids.

Congrats @PercussionMama and @DrummerDad18! Here’s hoping for BIG financial aid packages!

yes, big packages for all! I mean… ?

On another topic, if anyone has a student at Eastman, especially in jazz and/or music ed, I’d appreciate a PM! So…many…questions…

@Parentof2014grad — wow, amazing to hear of your S’s similar situation. (My D was also in the musical but in the pit orchestra, btw.) I know my D will pursue music in many forms and have enjoyed seeing all that she has done and apparently wants to do. I like the double or primary with a secondary instrument options because there is still so much to learn in both areas. Best of luck with your S’s decision!

It’s been a busy 24 hours and I’ve just caught up on all the posts. Congratulations to all who got into many wonderful schools in the past 2 days. And hugs to those of you whose kids didn’t get the news they wanted. As noted by others, all of our students have multiple choices and they will all end up doing just great!

@“Pikachu’s Mom” First, nice and thoughtful job keeping up with all those posts to reply to.

As to your question about D’s geographic hope for teaching, we’d like D to return to Texas some day, but I think she just humors us when that comes up in conversation. Her long term plan is to direct a college choir, which will take a couple of graduate degrees. So she has a few potential geographic reset buttons in her future (as assuming life doesn’t get in the way).

The posts his week have been tough and joyful to read. I remember my first binge of last year’s thread this time last year as I tried to learn about this process. I was emotionally wrung out. I remember comparing it to cramming in a full season of the Amazing Race, except I was routing for everyone to win. It’s even more of a roller coaster having followed everyone’s progress in real time. I really think everyone posting hard news this week is going to find a good spot and good fit.

I hope everyone will post a summary when the dust clears, showing the applications, the acceptances, the rejections, the scholarships, the decisions and the rationales.

I’m also going to find contact information for the producers of the Amazing Race and tell them how much better their show would be if it ended with a “where are they now” montage. (Or does it already? I’ve never actually made it more than two episodes into a season.)

My daughter just got her NEC letter in the mail. She’s in! (financials and studio assignments to follow this week). Yeah!!! I was beginning to feel like an outsider with no news to report.

@lkbux64 : Awesome ! Congratulations to your son !

@tripletmama congratulations on NEC. That is wonderful news.

Congrats @tripletmama on NEC! That’s a couple of solid options and a great program.

Yeah, @tripletmama!!! Celebration, here you come!!

Responses to Saturday’s news (while we still wait for news from NEC):

@highnotes2018 — congrats on the admit to BU! Sounds like your family will need some time to process all the good news.

@mperrine —congrats on your third acceptance, already (to BU)!

@kwesterb11 — congrats (although in the acceptance thread) on those admits!

@MSoprano — congratulations on your acceptances, too (on a separate music major thread)!

@lkbux — Congrats on the great admit at USC!

@highnotes2018 — and also congrats to your D for the USC admit. Lots of options!

@calican — woohoo!! Congratulations on the acceptance from USC. Hopefully, you’ll know more about financials soon.

@Lyoder2051 — congrats on the NEC admission! You’re on a roll! And even Thornton after all!

@choirsong — sorry to hear about UMiami news but it seems like your D has found a great fit among all the wonderful opportunities she has.

@dsinha — sorry to hear the bad news from USC. Hope your family is handling this tough weekend.

@DrummerDad18 — congrats on the USC admit for your D. She must be so pleased!

@PercussionMama — two admits at once! I hope your D is enjoying the news. Great options!

@tripletmama — what wonderful news from NEC! Is your D home to celebrate? Hope you find some time to relish good news together (your lives sound busy)!

@MeritHopeful — I think I’ve seen such a thread elsewhere on CC. It’s a decision thread, I believe, with back story on the process. I would love to read some of those stories for our musician students!

Sorry for the extreme detail on these posts but now I’m partial to acknowledging all good and bad news. This is a strange time for all, and it’s hard to imagine what we’ll all feel like next year at this time when our children have gone and made new lives happen! Here’s to living up to our own dreams and wishes as well. All best wishes to everyone!