Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

I feel ya @mperrine — but it’s only 5:15 their time right? ?

Hoping for great news!!

@PianoMom88 Just thought I would share. My D was a dance applicant at Boston Conservatory in 2015, before the merger. Back then several of us figured out that the email about accepted students day was actually a good sign! Things could have changed since then but who knows. Fingers crossed for you!
Oops! NVM sounds like your student was accepted EA.

no for Rice…now we wait for tomorrow and Vandy

Oh boo…that sucks. So sorry.

Sorry to hear that @mperrine. Fingers crossed for Vandy.

Thanks guys!! but as the field narrows there is comfort in that… she does have some GREAT options right now: BU, BARD, Eastman and LNO… so even if it doesn’t pan out she will find her place. I personally do not like the up in the air thing… I am much better at looking at the options.

@mperrine sorry about Rice but the other options are terrific!

Just passing the prescreen at Rice is an achievement. They don’t admit many undergrads period.

To everyone waiting on New School (Jazz or Mannes) and/or Peabody: I called both of their admissions offices earlier today and asked when they’d be releasing their admissions decisions:

New School: They replied that it would be sometime between now and April 1 on a rolling basis (i.e. not everyone will necessarily hear on the same day). They also said that Financial Aid info will be shared at the same time as the admissions decision. Said applicant would get an email when portal had been updated.

Peabody: Reiterated that they would release information on both admissions and FA on April 1. Again, email would be sent and portal updated.

Thanks @WestOfPCH for doing what we all wanted to do! At least we will all get the admit/finance info at same time, even if we don’t all hear at the same moment. That’s something, but rolling announcements would seem to cause unnecessary stress. Both on our nerves and on our mouse buttons from repeated portal refreshing!

Thanks again

They were rolling for New school last year. Thankfully D was in the first wave bit I know kids who didn’t hear for another couple days. Oye!

More disappointment here. After my son’s first choice school looked totally unaffordable, we were waiting for scholarships at his second choice school. He got it today and though it said he got “the most prestigious scholarship”, it was $1000 a year! Sooo disappointing.

The cello professor has pursued him heavily as has the strings director. The school’s website even says, “most music majors get partial or full tuition scholarships.” What the heck? :frowning:

What should we do now? Just move onto the third choice school? Contact the strings director and cello professor?

I haven’t talked with my son because he’s visiting the third choice school today, but I know he’s going to be very depressed. He’s basically down to 3 schools that will be marginally affordable out of 13…

I knew it was a possibility since none of the schools meet need and we are a high need family. It was so, so, so much easier when my eldest went to MIT because he got a ton of aid, and when this son went to Penn-same thing, tons of aid.

Ok, I’m done whining.

@sbjdorlo - Whine away! The “most prestigious scholarship” part is insulting. I’m sorry - but $1000 isn’t a “partial” scholarship in my book. So misleading. I’m so sorry. I think that you will need to do some negotiating at all the places. Did you get all results? This music thing is MUCH more complicated and stressful than regular colleges, for sure.

@sbjdorlo : That sucks. Most prestigious scholarship is a 1000/- bucks a year ? Looks like they forgot a zero or two.
I would definitely contact the professor and see if there was a mistake - but it may be still early days, there could be more coming. Give them till the end of the week or a little longer maybe ? I remember UCLA took about 10 days to send out their scholarship updates last year. (The offer came on April 2nd).

@sbjdorlo I feel your pain… with my second child our options were narrowed from 13 to 1 for sure… and 4 waitlists… his year hardly any people came off the waitlist for his major CS… and he was ultimately rejected from all but one school. These were UC and Cal State schools. It is very discouraging… I get it. I will say though … that this one last school has been a wonderful eye opening experience. He is maturing and taking control of things…I am very proud of his drive and thirst to overcome all that has been put in his way… depression… anxiety… bad roommates…and still he tries. I believe you will come to a decision that will work…and your son will too. I am rooting for you both :slight_smile:

Yes, all the results are in. He got into all his schools.

Here’s the thing. This is just a state university, but the other state universities in the same system gave him so much more (one did full tuition + fees; the other gave 4K for a local student) but this professor has been tripping over himself to get my son there, so I just don’t understand.

We’ll give it until next week I guess. We are trying to get access to the need-based aid at his first choice, so we’ll focus on that.

Yes, MUCH more complicated and I think transfer students typically get less.

@mperrine, I appreciate you sharing your son’s story very much. How wonderful to hear how your son responded to the experience! He sounds remarkable in what he has overcome. I can only hope my son will do the same.

Thanks for listening/reading and for the support!

@sbjdorlo time to reach out to the prof and ask them to sharpen their pencils. Let them know it’s your son’s top choice, he has a full tuition scholarship elsewhere and it’s just unaffordable unless they bump that money. It’s very possible. Don’t lose hope just yet. My D was so depressed last year with her low offer at NEC and her too low (But very respectable) offer at New School. It took a month but we got that money at NS significantly increased. And we are appealing again this year to bump it again. Hang in there. I would suggest you focus on one school for the appeal. If they get you what you need tell them he will commit right then. if not then move to school #2 to appeal.

@SpartanDrew, that’s encouraging!

Did you do all the appeals (meaning, you handled it and not your D)?

I’ll tell you that I’m butting heads with my son on this. I am a college consultant for goodness sake and I know people file appeals all the time; in fact, I filed an appeal for two years when my eldest was at MIT and I filed an appeal for this son when he was at Penn and we got more money every time.

Nonetheless, he’s arguing with me that I shouldn’t do that. Seriously? He says it’s in poor taste. He would rather just go silently into the night. I guess we need to have a fight, er, discussion about it. :neutral:

Ummmm whaaaaat?! In poor taste? It’s done all the time. Yes time for a figh…discussion lol. And the actual appeal form came from D but Mom may have helped fill it out lol. The second appeal came after hubby and I sat down with admissions guy after D’s 3 day visit sitting in on classes and getting to know faculty etc. I had a spreadsheet showing COA between her top 2 schools and how this was her top choice but they needed to close the gap on COA. He instructed D (me) to fill out the appeal form again. They responded within 6 hours with more money.

I remember when we appealed at MIT, I asked if they wanted to see Princeton’s letter (which offered more money). The response was, “Well, we don’t compare packages with other colleges but go ahead and send it to us.” LOL

We have a month to sort it out.