Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

So just a general question. What do you consider “too much debt?” I am sure that this differs from person to person. I have talked to a family member who was a professional horn player and is now a librarian at a prestigious Orchestra… and his idea is that no debt is ideal… but is that realistic if you want that name that opens up doors… of that special teacher? I have been lucky enough to be able to provide no debt to my other 2 children. However, for this child, she requires the challenge of not being the “top dog” in her studio…a teacher that will push her…and the numbers look like she will accrue debt unless she goes with the very last choice. I want her to be thrilled by her choice…right now she is just stressed and afraid of the numbers. So what is that magical number?

That’s terrific @WestOfPCH ! And well-deserved!

Thank you, @SpartanDrew ! As of now, yes, New School is at the top of his list. We’ll see what happens after Peabody’s reply. That said, he could DEFINITELY see himself at NS and would be thrilled to attend there, and on top of it, your stories about your D’s positive experiences there are encouraging to me and my wife. Will definitely PM you over the weekend.

Oh yes please do!! I wonder if your S met my D at auditions? PM me please and we will connect. He should go to admitted students day if possible. Might be able to bump that award too. :wink: Congrats again to him and to all of your exceptional students CC peeps!

I have followed all your posts for months as something of a ‘lurker’, but have not joined in before because one of my twin S19s was not interested in performance - and therefore did not want to pursue auditions. He is instead interested in music production. I have followed all of your prescreens/ auditions and admissions with great interest. S19 has been accepted to several good programs, including NYUs Clive Davis institute. The cost is exorbitant, and the fact that there are two S19s (the other is pursuing architecture) doesn’t help. God bless you, @tripletmama, I don’t know how you remain so sanguine!!! What a roller coaster this all is. Elation to devastation and back again. Anyway - just wanted to share that I feel your (financial) pain, and how to decide what is best for them AND us too!

@mperrine, for our family with an EFC around 8K, any debt is too much debt for an u/g music program, tbh, but that is because we don’t know that our son will ever have the means to pay it back based on his history.

Maybe it would be different if he was going to a more recognized school? Who knows. I know others feel differently, for sure. I knew a young man who took a full ride at an unknown school for undergrad and then got into Julliard (cost 60K) and USC (full tuition scholarship) for grad school, and he decided it was worth the 60K in debt for the masters. He then went to USC for his DMA fully funded, I believe.

My son knows he’ll take on debt for grad school, most likely, so we don’t want it for u/g.

I would love to hear from others who appealed and got big jumps in $$. Someone mentioned a 10K jump, but my son would need a 25K jump for his top school to meet our EFC. I mean, he’s got 38K in scholarships and grants, but when the COA is 70K, that’s an impossible chasm at a school that doesn’t meet need.

@WestofPCH - congrats!!! So glad that he got great news and has hopefully found his place.

Regarding the “what does scholarship $$ mean” question… I think that for most colleges (except those with academic requirements) that the audition is king. Case in point, our daughter had her best audition at NEC and SFCM and her scholarships reflects that. She didn’t have a good audition at the New School and her scholarship reflects that (disappointed that she won’t be playing with @SpartanDrew and @WestofPCH’s kids next year). It’s sad but true that 10 to 15 minutes can make such a huge $$ difference, but it does.

Now - we are waiting for Berklee (I agree, Sunday seems like a strange day to release results)…so the dreaded wait continues! She doesn’t remember much about her Berklee re-audition last month - she was so nervous about it, didn’t sleep the night before and was in a bit of a haze… so we shall see. She already received $20k but needs to increase that to attend (and apparently they do not negotiate so the number you get is firm). It will be a nerve racking weekend for sure!!! (did I read somewhere that they release it at midnight on the 30th?).

Bring on April Angst!!!

A little further info on the process at Berklee for students who have deferred and re-auditioned. I called Admissions and was refereed to my son’s adviser. Very nice guy. He told me my son will not get a notification about any scholarship on the 31st…that he was told “early April” with no defined date. He transferred me to Financial Services to talk to the Scholarship people…I got voicemail (twice) so I left a message asking when we will have a notification.

Best wishes to all who are waiting for word from Berklee on 3/31!

And congrats to @WestOfPCH 's son!

Hello, Congrats to everyone on all their acceptances/merit awards!
I myself woke up to good news today; in addition to 40k merit scholarship from SFCM, 45k merit scholarship from NYU, I now have a 39k Merit scholarship from Mannes!!! 40 must be my lucky number haha. Joining the anxious group waiting for Peabody and Curtis results.

Congratulations @WestofPCH! So glad that your son ended his week on a good note! And, at a school that he’s excited about – can’t beat that!

Congrats too to @tripletmama for the New School admit, even if it’s not where she lands.

And another congratulations to Lyoder2051! You are an inspiration and I am thrilled to see that you are being rewarded for all of your hard work.

@Lyoder2051 - for someone who just got serious about piano a few years ago, you are hitting it out of the park!!!

@sbjdorlo I agree with your “no debt” policy for your situation. My D has a little (under 10K), but already earns a decent paycheck while in college, so she can manage it.

FWIW, I think any debt for the student should be considered very carefully unless the parent is willing / able to help support them post-grad. Consider the following 10 years after entering median salaries as reported by collegescorecard:

SFCM - $19,700
Berklee - $30,300
NEC - $32,100
MSM - $32,300

(Sorry, I have to pick on conservatories, because it’s the only easy way to get semi-accurate info pertaining only to music / artists.)

Those $30K figures aren’t too far off from national averages, however, I’m going to bet a lot of those kids (if trying to pursue a music career) stayed in NY, Boston, SF (or likely LA) after grad and those are really scary salaries for those areas. If they’re living in MS, no problem.

Frankly, I’m expecting to have to help my D to some extent until she’s 30 even with so little debt. That is why we also did not take on any parent loans. And we still have a younger kid…soo…

Congrats to you @Lyoder2051 and what a beautiful post! My S is going through something similar. Music is his true passion, he is a stage and screen actor and classical vocalist and he knows that he needs music in his life. He is also a 4th year Japanese student and applied to many schools for East Asian Languages but if they don’t have a strong music program, with serious music students he knows it is not the school for him. He was offered the USC TTP plan which may be the best option yet, taking his core classes locally and continuing to work on his craft for the next year. We will see very soon…

@MozartMama ttp does sound like an excellent choice! And it is so much cheaper than attending USC outright…congratulations!!! I am also glad my post was able to help in some way :).

@trimpletmama people tend to say I get either too lucky, or too unlucky :smiley: I guess this has been my lucky turn, although I wonder when my bad luck will start :wink:

@Lyoder2051 absolutely saving on the first year would be awesome! :smiley: Best of luck to you and I look forward to hearing about your decision - many congrats on all of your accomplishments and acceptances thus far, and to your awesome mama!

Wondering if it’s possible to experience April Angst a year in advance? ? I can already imagine a scenario in which we are dealing with rejections and/or having to cross something off due to price tag. Not sure which is more heartbreaking—not getting in, or getting in and not being able to go. With performance as a goal, we’ve definitely gotten caught up in feeling that big name teacher/big name school could be important. That, coupled with not wanting to be at the top of the studio starting out, seems to make this all the more likely.

Sorry to be having my own pre-pity party when there is so much good news being shared here. I’m afraid I’m always imagining the worst case scenario—as if this will somehow prepare me to deal with it if/when it happens.

At any rate, back to our regularly scheduled celebration! So excited for everyone here! Can’t wait to read the last chapter in your stories!

I’ve been reading this for the last few weeks but finally signed up so I could post. Congrats and good luck to everyone–for accomplishments and for decisions to be made. Our exciting news today is that my D got in to Mannes!!! It’s been her top choice, but now we have to dig in and look at specifics (never mind the cost issue). She’s a soprano VP major. Her merit aid was very meager, and we will appeal, but any info about Mannes would be appreciated! She’ll be attending the accepted student day. At this point she’s mostly between Mannes and Hartt (where the cost will be significantly less).

Congrats to everyone! It seems like everyone has good plans that will work out for them in spite of disappointments and financial hardships.

I’m still waiting. Although Jacobs emailed me originally saying that they would get back to me around the beginning or middle of March, I’ve still received no word, and no updates to my portal either. I’m debating calling them because the emails I’ve gotten back have always just been vague, but I’m worried that I’m being too impatient. However, I really would just like to know my options at this point. Is it correct to assume that I’ve been rejected at this point? Most others have already heard back.

Congrats again to all! @mom2clarinetobsessedkid I had to laugh at your post — I followed “the journey 2022” last year, when S was a junior, and felt exactly the same. I couldn’t imagine how my kid would get from where he was last April to where these amazing kids were, with money from incredible schools falling out of the sky. I was just praying he’d get into our local college and figuring he could transfer later.

A few things made all the difference, though: first, having a private teacher who was very experienced with the process. Second, understanding the amount of work — S’s and mine — between research, visits, prescreens, lessons, auditions and all — needed to make it happen. S and I had some long discussions junior year to be sure this was the route he wanted to take. Third, having S compile the initial list and write his essays, etc., in the summer before senior year so he wouldn’t be overwhelmed later. Fourth, relying on this board and PMs with experienced parents for advice.

So very much work, but I must say, the payoff is incredible. Not just the offers, but the fact that my kid can follow his passion at the highest level and probably without debt. Good luck on the road, junior parents! You may want to start the new Journey thread soon — we’ll all be there for you!