Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@dbandmom - thanks for sharing those starting salaries - they were actually more than the zero that I expected :slight_smile: I agree - with musicians, minimize debt as best you can! I’m curious how your musician earns a decent paycheck while in college? (I’m all ears).

Although we are happy about our daughter’s full tuition scholarship, housing is not cheap in San Francisco and I can’t imagine her living with us (although she might have to) - makes it problematic since she plays the bass - so how to get it back and forth over the bridge on the bus? (given that parking is difficult). Dorms are $2k a month for a shared closet (seriously - I saw them), so $18k a year. Does anyone know if you can take loans out for housing? Again - up pops the loan thing again!!!

I have a question for the music education experts. S is really stuck between Eastman and Crane. He is accepted at Eastman in music education (piano) only, and at Crane in music education (Voice) and piano performance. The teachers are about equal and the lessons would be the same (1 hour of piano 1/2 of voice). Given scholarships, cost is not really a factor. He loves different things about each school and, at the moment it is a tie (I keep hoping a sudden inspiration will strike).

The question (which may be his tie breaker) do the schools where he will be applying for jobs care about either the name of the school or the major? If so, which do they care about more. Would it (all else being equal) better to go to the more prestigious school, or to have the more comprehensive major? Or does it not make any difference?

Thanks in advance.

Hello all, I have a question of my own…I was admitted to NYU Steinhart honors program, whatever that might be…does anyone know if that means I may be eligible for any additional scholarships etc??? I will ask admissions, but I was wondering if anyone has experience with this.

@tripletmama No secret recipe on the jobs / income. It’s your standard musicians combo.

She teaches guitar (less than 10 hours / wk year round) and gigs mostly in the summer (heavily May - September…about 50 gigs).

She makes a decent buck. I can PM you.

Some gigs,but S also babysits and works as a counselor at a summer camp for extra $.

@SpartanDrew , I believe you said your daughter is at Mannes (or The New School). What instrument? My d was accepted to Mannes today for vocal performance, but it didn’t say which studio. Do you know when they find out what studio? TIA!

@TwoInCollegeMom Have you heard from Jacobs yet? We are still waiting to hear. Nothing in today’s mail.

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Hi and welcome @meltedbutter! I love your screen name by the way…just add lobster! Mmmm. Haha! Yes my D is at New School COPA school of jazz. She’s a vocalist. Feel free to PM me with any questions!

Everyone is in the homes stretch! Can’t wait to hear final admissions and money this weekend. What left? Berklee? Curtis? Peabody? Anything else?

Curtis and Peabody for me. In terms of Julliard…I got about 23k in in scholarship/financial aid. cost of attendance is 70k. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

@RMSqueencat 3/29 update. S accepted to IU&Jacobs last week. We received a nice big envelope from IU admissions today that we couldn’t wait to open…and it was a big fat zero for awards. We went back and re-read the Jacobs letter and it said that music awards from Jacobs would come from “Jacobs School of Music” between 3/28 and 4/4. We were not expecting any academic awards from IU so really hope there is another letter on the way. We are still waiting on USC, UNT Music, and Peabody. Nothing on any portals either. I really wanted to wrap this up this weekend, but that is apparently not the plan.

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Anybody heard from MSM yet?

@JazzMomLisa not yet. I just double checked the last email. They said we would hear by April 1st…

There is so much to learn in this college music business, isn’t there? I really wonder if the best deal of all is music schools/conservatories within universities that meet need (aside from those great places like Colburn that are basically free)? (ok, at least for people like us! lol)

I had a conversation with the strings director of the conservatory at the state school where my son’s been admitted. Their budget is, get this, $16,000 split among 42 students (grad and u/g)! No wonder my son only got $1000. He’s going to push for my son to get $2000-3000 which will bring it in line with the second most affordable choice.

And we’re not talking huge amounts of money for these three. Our EFC is $8200 and the cost after scholarships (tuition, room, board) for the cheapest would be around 12K and for the other two (assuming the scholarship is increased) would be about 16K a year. It isn’t bad, but of course, we don’t have that; however, we’re working on how to make it happen!

Still, I can’t help but feel a little twinge of wistfulness knowing that at a school that meets need, our cost would be, well, $8200. :smile:

Interestingly, the school that offered the most also offered to try and come back with more scholarship if my son is 80% sure he’s attending. There were also some other perks offered. My son says this would be the most intense school, more than the conservatory, because of the teacher…which could be good or bad, depending on how he’s doing health-wise.

I feel ok about everything! Not enough money, but my son seems happy with these three choices. Oh, and I heard from someone who knows his original first choice that he’s not missing anything by not going there, so that made me feel a lot better that it’s unaffordable! :smiley:

@JazzMomLisa When my S had his audition at MSM, I attended a (very well run!) info. session by the enrollment director, and she was specific about decisions being released on 3/29 and even added, “It may be very late in the day, but we plan to get them out that day.” So… here it is 10pm … Only two hours left, but maybe releasing this late is their plan??? Of course, schools can run behind on these things…

MSM portal just updated. It’s a “no” for S . . . He did not feel he had a very good audition there.

I just wanted to chime in here and say congratulations to all for your amazing triumphs, your resolve in the face of the less-triumphant moments, and maybe especially for all the support, hard work, logistical innovation, and love the parents here have provided to their musician children (as we all know, not all parents are willing to support what many would consider a less-than-worthwhile, “impractical” pursuit in an artistic field).
My son went through pretty much all of the ups and downs associated with his passion–being told by his HS advisor that she was afraid that he wouldn’t get admitted anywhere because of his academics (late-diagnosed, but AUTHENTIC learning issue), to getting into three good schools anyway, to cold feet/impostor syndrome resulting in a gap year and classes at a community college, to deciding that he wouldn’t be a music major (lack of confidence) and spending a year as a Pol Sci major at Purchase, to deciding in November of that year that he wanted to try again to get into his dream school, Berklee (he’d been rejected and dejected the first time), to getting accepted there and now feeling that he’s exactly where he wants to be. So as I’ve lurked on this thread, I totally felt familiar with all if the struggles and disappointments and ultimate victories!
This has to be one of the best boards on the internet–I know that we wouldn’t have made it through the last few years without the amazing support, kindness, and knowledge I’ve been offered by some of you, and it’s so heart-warming to see all the support you’ve all been giving each other here.
I’ve gained a lot of faith that talent, passion, and love will eventually triumph through all the obstacles that we and our children face on this path, and that ALL of your children will end up where they belong–even if things seem bleak and the odds overwhelming sometimes.
So, again, congratulations to ALL of you, regardless of your current situations, and love to all the blossoming musicians who will add so much to this troubled world. I believe that music can be one of the most powerful forces for good out there.

Also a no for my S. Miami and Indiana are now at the top. My S is a jazz trumpeter.

My son is away on his camping trip and my husband is asleep in a different time zone/country. I guess I will wait until tomorrow morning to find out the MSM answer. I don’t have access to my son’s portal.

@AsMother What a wonderful post you have written. I am relatively new to this group, and I agree so much about the kindness and support. This board has been a lifesaver!

Finally read Calarts Admissions info on website. Son got accepted a few weeks ago but doesn’t actually concern himself with any of the details. Anyway he got a 15000 scholarship. This probably doesn’t mean too much considering cost of tuition at Calarts and cost of living in California. But its nice to be offered some money. We we did not send them FAFSA or anything so I see that they make they offer this automatically and they says they offer aid to 85% of people. Believe I read this somewhere.