Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Where do they tell you? Do they put it in admission letter. Also they ask you to sign whether you plan to accept. Is that in anyway binding? Do we have to sign to get financial offer.

I went back and looked at our Berklee portal. On the top nav area, next to “applications” tab, there’s a “next steps” tab. On ours, the top section of that page said “Berklee College of Music Scholarship Information” and down below you could see past audition details, etc. Clicking the link that say “view your scholarship decision” takes you to a letter. At least that’s how it worked back in December during EA.

Just figured out no scholarship to Berklee. Now that is a downer. No scholarship for Belmont. We 15K for Calarts. I am not feeling excited about Calarts at all.

Our daughter got her official Berklee acceptance letter tonight - took me a few minutes but I figured out the Merit and Financial Aid tabs. Our daughter got awarded $40k total in scholarships and grants (not including any loans!).

So, 90% of tuition!!! We are so excited!!! She is over the moon! This was her top choice!!! Doing the happy dance for sure here in CA. SpartanDrew stayed up to hear the news (thanks so much for that - you are a true friend).

We still have to figure out how to pay for housing (after a year, she will move off campus and hopefully reduce that cost).

Looks like we won’t be facing any April Angst - and I can finally focus on other important things in my life (e.g. my job, my health, my other kids, my hubby, etc. etc. :smiley:

Wonderful, wonderful news, @tripletmama!!! YOU ARE DONE!!! So amazing!!!

@tripletmama Congrats. That is a huge scholarship and it must feel great to have this all figured out We feel good about our options but not about the money.

For those looking at the Berklee results be sure to click on the Financial Aid Portal in blue letters under the “Next Steps” tab It will include your merit scholarships plus any grants. You have to put in your student ID (which you will find under the “Next Steps” box under the “Next Steps” tab). Then create a password - and viola! It will include merit scholarships, grants and free financial aid. (federal loans are at the bottom).

@tripletmama omg!!! I am so happy for you and D! What a journey! So glad she got the big $$$!!!

@akapiratequeen, et. al. - thanks so much!! As you all know, I’m just feeling a huge sense of relief (followed by the “now - how do we pay for room/board?”)

But more than anything - just glad that the rollercoaster ride is over. It’s been a nailbiter.

Looking forward to hearing everyone’s Curtis and Peabody results tomorrow.

Someone just sent me this info re: Curtis. Let’s hope that the results go out as planned today: Curtis has a stated date of April 1 notification. However, my D learned they had an unanticipated change is staffing a few weeks ago, as a key administrative support person died during audition week!!! They are apparently scrambling administratively, so if decisions are slower than anticipated, there might be good cause.

Jacole sorry for the financial news from Berklee. I am wondering why you aren’t excited about CalArts.

congratulations @tripletmama & @jacole !

@tripletmama Wow! I live right in the area so let me know if you need anything at all, including place to mail stuff, etc until your D gets situated. So happy for you!!

So happy to wake up to the good Berklee news!

I am so sorry @jacole that the finances are not working in your favor.

@tripletmama, I could not be happier that your daughter’s journey had the happy ending that you were hoping for. After all the parking tickets, broken down cars, illnesses, bad rental bases and the other challenges she faced along the way, so glad that she ended up at her first choice school with the awards that make it affordable for her to attend. Job well done!

Wow @tripletmama after the roller coaster ride your D took, it’s so great that it all paid off (literally)! Must be great knowing the last of the triplets is about to be launched!

@jacole - any chance you can appeal? Even asking Berklee to match the CalArts money?

Berklee doesn’t take appeals. At all.

Congratulations @tripletmama

@tripletmama congratulations!!! This is wonderful! Your D knocked it out the park and has a great future. Wonderful to see how all is falling into place. Happy April ahead.

@SpartanDrew When you say that Berklee doesn’t take appeals at all does that mean you can’t appeal for more Financial Aid? So, I don’t mean trying to show them an offer from a different school, but rather, trying to explain to them why our FAFSA EFC doesn’t tell the who story. TIA.

No I think you can appeal FA if the FAFSA isn’t accurate. Just not merit awards